Avi, Daisy, and Nell

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#7. Avi , Daisy, and Nell

After an awkward breakfast, Sam decided to surprise us. "Guys common! It's really not that hard ta' go down some darn steps!" She chirped. "Yeah some," said an exhausted tanner, "not three-thousand-cajillion." I sighed. "One, cajillion isn't a word, and two, you could use some exercise for those invisible "muscles" that you have.", I said, putting quotes with my fingers on the word muscles. "Common already, I like surprises!" Piped in echo. Jeez. A hyper goth plus a zombie assassin equals echo which also equals weird squared. I just must say, it was good that I was using my brain again , even though it was just a little. We stepped down the concrete stairs to a monumental basement under Sam's mama and papa's (as in the distastefully weird name country people call their grandparents) house. The floor was covered in ... wait what? sawdust? I heard a snuffling and chewing sound and looked up. There stood two horses in short wooden stalls: a gorgeous palomino with a braided blonde mane and understanding brown eyes and a black Clydesdale with a crazy shaggy mane hanging in its face (almost like echo's , it looked so alike I laughed) and striking dark blue eyes. The group awed in amazement.

"This here's Daisy," said Sam patting the Palomino who lipped at her golden hair , and Sam laughed, " an' this is Nell. He's a real sweetie, but I think daisy's funner ta' ride." I reached up to stroke Nell's dark mane. He made a soft sighing sound of contentment so I continued to itch his ears and pet his mane. Echo and tanner came over to Nell too, brushing him and giving him hay, while Morgan and cole went over to see Daisy. "This is an awesome surprise," exclaimed cole as Daisy ate out of his hand literally, "I love horses!" Sam smiled and replied, "Yeah, they's really loyal n' calm ya down n' just so darn sweet." "I've read that they're really intelligent too." I added. "That they are." She replied. Echo laughed then and told us, "Hey! Nell stole my haircut! You're janking my style !" We laughed a little, it really was exceptionally true. All in a moment Morgan confessed, "When I was really little, like five, I used to want my own really bad, a Palomino just like Daisy, ya know." The group nodded in agreement. But saying that aloud was so unlike her I forced myself not to say anything. Through a pause, we heard shuffling.

Then we heard a meow and a small white kitten with light orange stripes padded out of the shadows and through the sawdust to rub against tanners legs. "Oh hey there Avi, kitty kitty." Said Sam. Avi rubbed her jowls against the back if tan's calf. He started giggling extremely childishly . "That tickles!" I couldn't help but laugh at tanner, which started a tremendous cacophony of laughing among the crew. So much that we didn't notice the moaning coming from the corner of the basement until the poor corpse shuffled out. "Shiloh!! No!!!" Screamed Sam, a sad look crossing her face. The horses started to stomp their hooves and reared back. "Oh shit!" Said tanner, grabbing up Avi and backing away from the small calico zombie shuffling toward us. Avi swatted the air and hissed at shiloh. Without a warning echo pulled out the pistol and shot the kitten in the head. It fell over stiff and Sam sobbed big and snotty on Cole's shoulder. Her patted her back and whispered to her yet again. I gave echo a skeptical look. He shrugged and told me, "Like I said before, I'm goth." I scoffed ; rolled my eyes and tsk-ed, "Excuses." Tanner calmed little Avi and I calmed Daisy and Nell. Echo cleaned up the corpse. Anyway, I think I'm getting a bit good with horses.

What? Trying to focus on the good stuff is hard in the middle of all this crazy shit! Should I focus on bad stuff? Well then : zombies, loss of family, a higher risk of uncleanliness , loss of friends, us being negative three thousand two squared on the safety scale, where do I end? Besides its the antonym of fun to think about that.

Ooh! I'm using my nerd skills! Not aloud, but still. Hey, maybe Sam would come out of her Shiloh-funk (I think she's gonna be pretty sad about the whole thing with Shiloh , and possibly go into depression.) and show me some books ! Everyone has to have a book somewhere in their house. Maybe Sam would have some I haven't read! Nell nudged me with his muzzle. Yes , that's what we'd do. And then we'd.. EAT SOME SPAM. We would eat some spam an everything would be all better. The end.

'We' as in 'I' .. I hope I'm not going psycho because of the zombie apocalypse, a little crazy like Smeagol and Gollum when he talks to his conscious/alter-ego. Uck, no . My brain is my strong hold. I'd never be crazy. Not ever . Never never ne- "hey, Wednesday what are you thinking of ?" Asked echo, jerking me out of my own brain so suddenly that I moved away from the horses and ". "Erm.. Nouns." I responded smartly. It was true. I was thinking of nouns. "What nouns?" He questioned. I thought for a second. Could I ...? Yes, I could tell him. But how comfortable would that be? Not. "Wanna go eat some spam?" I whisper-asked . His blue eyes lit up. I smiled and we snuck past tanner, Sam, Morgan, and cole to the kitchen where I guess cole had packed our food. I mean, it seemed right. A guy who was so.. Er.. Big-boned.. Fluffy.. Would definitely care about where the food went. I reached through the pantries and Echo dug through the fridge. I only came across a couple things of ours like ramen and rich people food like salmon eggs. Ok eeew. Who would even like that stuff?!? Then in an instant something white and creamy was in my mouth. What the..? Echo had sprayed whipped-cream in my mouth. I gulped down the sweet foam before giggling and grabbing the whipped cream from him and artistically squirted a whipped-stache onto his upper-lip. Then I ran. He mumbled something about getting me and grabbed the whipped cream out of my hand . Sugar and oil and milk filled my pores as he squirted it on my face, giving me a creamy white-out . I giggled and wiped blindly at my eyes. Once I had rid my eyes of possible whipped gunk polluting them, I grabbed the whipped cream from echo . He seemed pretty surprised when I sprayed it in a whipped cream Afro on his black side sweep. He growled and I bolted downstairs to the stables. This would be fun.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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