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This is an OC not a y/n kinda story.
To the story, or well the info about some of the characters.
It wil be slow updates
Enjoy love you all. 💕

The new girl

♡ "Love doesn't have to be scary." ♡


Name~ Mina L.V

Age~ 16

Height~  5,2 feet or 160 cm.

School status~ First year

Languages~ dutch, English and basic french.

ethnicity~ dutch and English.

Species~ cherub, human



Bow Proficiency: Though she is not the best when it comes to aim, being the "lousy-shot" she is, she still knows how to handle a bow and its secrets.

!Note! This is dangerous if the wrong person is hit it will still have the same effect but the person will also be hit as if they where actually hit by an arrow.

The arrow does not have to make the person in love with who they first see it could also make them want to be friends or make them care for them like a parent or uncle/aunt but it is mostly if not only used for romantic love, so by default it is always a romantic arrow if the person wants it to be a different one they will have to concentrate for it to change.

Powers of Love: she can use powers related to love with her hands without necessarily accessing her magical bow, but this is still very hard for her to do and needs some serious training.

!Note! This will drain the person of a lot of energy if not properly trained and could damage their nerves in their hands.

Individual Analysis: By activating a mode in her eyes, which consequently turns her sclera and irises into a bright pink light, she can analyse the powers of other love derived monsters and humans, such as emotional vampires and other creatures or beings.

!Note! This can and will damage the eyes if they use it for to long, the first few minutes they will just get a dull ach around and on the eyes, the minutes after it they will become dizzy, get a headache or/and become nauseous, if they keep it up they will damage there eyes the longer it continues the worse the damage.

Magic: because she is part cherub she does have some magic, but not like a witch she can't cast spells but can make potions.

!Note! Potions that are the same like Amortentia will not work on Mina because of her being a creature of love the same goes for spells and anything like it, it will only make her stronger, to much of it and she will lose her mind for a unclear amount of time. This may effect her mental and or physical ability.

Strange loveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz