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I don't own teen wolf, all credits of that go to the actual creator.

There might be a few spoilers here and there, I advise you to watch at least until the end of season 4 before reading this as I am currently rewatching this and that's where I am right now.

I write this fic because of an original idea I had as well as the lack of completed fox stiles stories(those would be appreciated by the way.). My idea will only take place at a late part of this and for now I am improvising a start to this story.

I hope you enjoy

"Stiles you know you can't come with us! It's too dangerous! We don't want you to get hurt." Scott said.
"It's not like I'm alone, if anything happens, I know you'll save me! I trust you."
"Stiles this is not up for debate, we are NOT letting you do something that dangerous! You don't have super powers or super healing! If something happens we..." Derek took a deep breath, he clearly has a hard time saying this, "we might lose you."
"Come on! So what if I don't have super whatever?! I'm still smart! And unexpected too!"
"Stiles..." Scott said thinking about what Derek said.
Stiles just looked at them and sighed, "... Fine, but if anything happens you immediately run back understood?"
"Yes sir" they said smiles forming on their lips.

Stiles's POV

Pfffff! As if I'm gonna let them go alone! After they got far enough so that they won't be able to hear me, I took my clothes off, I got out of the back door of my house, which is where we were talking, and started walking fast to the woods, making sure no one sees me while I'm on my way. When I got to the woods I looked around and there was no one who could see me so I transformed into my full fox form.
You might be thinking ' why didn't he take his clothes off after getting to the woods? He's only taking it off so it won't tear right?' well, the answer to that is simple, no thats not the reason, you'll see the actual reason later.

After the transformation I jumped to the top of a tree and started listening, attempting to find the pack, once I heard them I started jumping from one tree to another, heading to them.

After about 3 minutes I was right above their heads, careful not to make any noise, or they'll hear me.

They were supposed to find a group of omegas that just came to town, and make sure they aren't dangerous, possibly inviting them to our pack.

They were all waiting where one of the omegas said they were at.
Suddenly there's a noise, a very very silent noise, and it was far from there, a mere werewolf couldn't have heard it, but as a werefox I did. I looked at that direction and found there was a group of hunters pointing guns and crossbows at the pack.
The pack didn't seem to notice and the hunters got ready to shoot, I have to help them!
But how do I do it without anyone finding out?!

Jk, it's easy!
I just go to right behind the hunters, who don't notice me, and shove one of them on the other, right before running away.
Derek, Scott and Issac heard the sound and found the hunters.

Scott roared loud and everyone launched themselves at the hunters and started fighting. Obviously my pack won, they are the best after all😌.
As soon as I heard them win and looked to make sure there wasn't a secret weapon of sorts, I ran back to the house.

When I got to the house I went in from the back door no one seeing me. I climbed up the stairs and hurriedly went to the the bathroom starting the shower. 

It took me some time to get in the house without anyone seeing me so it wasn't long before derek and Scott were back.

They went up the stairs, they're probably looking for me, as I heard them get close I was already in and out of the shower, since I didn't actually bathe and it was just a cover story.
I turned off the water, wrapped a towel around my waist, and got out of the bathroom.
"Hey guys! How'd it go?" I ask innocently. The two of them are practically drooling all over themselves at the sight of me, it was really cute.

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