Thanksgiving (Part 2)

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Jake and Holt were under cover and walked into a Chinese restaurant, after receiving informations. Ray was dressed in a tuxedo while Jake was in his usual hangover outfit.

"Our perp says the bookie operates out of a hidden back room. Try to blend in" Holt warned, not looking at him.

"Good idea. I'll just age myself 60 years, become Chinese and female. Here we go. Whoosh. Did it work?" Jake replied, running his hands over his face to do a 'magic trick'.

"$10 to play" an Asian woman said listlessly, approaching them.

"Oh, we're just looking around" Holt explained, with a light smile.

"$40 just to look around" the woman said with the same listlessness as before.

"All right, we'll play" Jake added, nodding.

"$15 to play" she continued defiantly.

"All right" Jake muttered, taking the wallet out.

"Now you would have preferred to stay at Santiago's dinner with Y/n, right?" Holt whispered with a slight smirk.

While the duo went undercover, the others went off to a bar to relax.

"Tommy, can we order some food?" Boyle asked the guy behind the counter, looking tired.

"The cook's gone. I sent him home" Tommy explained, gesturing.

"Do you have any more of these pretzels?" Terry threw an empty bowl into his hands, talking loudly.

"Sure" so he handed him a jar full of pretzels, terry snatched it from his hands and tossed everything in the jar into his mouth.

"I'm gonna call the cook" Tommy babbled, walking away.

"Smart. Good call" Boyle smiled.

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Amy And Y/n were sitting at a table, the former was drinking scotch, tired, the latter was looking at her amazed, with her beer in hand.

"Hey Amy, are you all right?" Y/n asked, placing her hand on hers.

Amy stopped drinking and looked into her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I'm just a little tired and disappointed, everything I've done has been in vain" she sighed.

Y/n squeezed her hand and smiled at her, "Why are you saying that? We all had a lovely evening and appreciate your efforts. Just because Holt didn't stay doesn't mean the evening was for nothing".

Amy smiled back and squeezed her hand in return, "You're right. the same goes for you, it doesn't mean that if Jake isn't here you have to ruin your evening. He's an idiot, I don't understand what you see in him".

"I don't know either" she shrugged.

While they were talking, Gina arrived and sat with them, "Hey, rough night?".

"Yeah, it certainly hasn't gone according to plan" Amy replied, taking her hand away from Y/n's, taking another sip.

"Aw, no. Aw, Amy, I was ordering a drink called "A Rough Night." It's tequila with a nicotine patch" Gina teased, pointing to the waiter in front of her.

"Right", in addition to Gina, Rosa also arrived, who sat with them; so Amy turned to her and asked: "How do I get Holt to pay attention to me? He sure spends a lot of time on Peralta. Maybe I should start screwing up, like Jake does. I can act out too, you know?".

"Please do" Rosa simply said while Amy made a shocked face.

"No Amy, please don't" Y/n was exasperated.

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