4 - Healer

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Kai pulled herself away from the door and opened the small window above the sink, sending out a brief call to any animals nearby. Today had been a long day, and even though she wasn't alone for most of it, she felt lonely by herself in the cabin. She brushed her teeth and then climbed into bed, and before too much time had time had passed, a grizzled, old tom cat had crawled into bed with her, coming in through the window. She adjusted the covers so that he was comfortable and before long, his purring had her fast asleep.

When she awoke the next morning, the cat was already gone, probably off to find his morning meal. She grumbled something about men who always leave, and got up to get ready for her first official day as a Healer.

She looked through her closet, unsure of what was appropriate to wear. She had her healer's robes, but she assumed she needed something fairly professional underneath. She dug through her closet and settled on a tight pair of red plaid, high-waisted pants and a black turtleneck. She threw on her favorite pair of combat boots that had a bit of a heel, threw her hair up into a ponytail, and looked at herself in the mirror. Professional, but still maintained who she was. Nodding to herself in the mirror, she grabbed her wand and shoved it up the long sleeve of her shirt, throwing a black jacket over the outfit. She loved the punk vibe, but even she could admit that the pockets were a joke, especially for her wand. Glancing at her watch, she sighed as she realized if she didn't leave soon, she would be late. She really needed to work on her time management. She looked around but didn't see any type of travel mug to put her coffee in so she sighed again and stepped outside with the normal coffee cup in her hand, healer's robes slung over her arm.

Locking the door behind her, she took the quick walk to headquarters. She realized that Charlie had put her in the cabin closest to her work for which she was thankful, because it was also the closest one to the mess hall. Some day, she would wake up early enough to grab breakfast before work, but today was not that day. She hurried along and walked through the door of the headquarters at exactly 8:59. She smiled a greeting at Chelsea, who frankly looked miserable.

Kai laughed at the look on her face. "Shut up," the normally perky blonde grumbled. "After you left, I got pressured into shots. I want to die." She laid her head against her arms on the table and groaned.

"Would you like me to try fix that for you?" Kai smirked as she took a sip of her coffee.

Chelsea's head shot up and she winced in pain at the sudden movement. "Oh right! You're our new healer," her eyes widened in happiness. "Please save me," she pouted.

"Come on back," Kai chuckled and led the way to her office. She opened the door and noticed Charlie watching her as she led Chelsea inside. He glanced at his watch with raised eyebrows and she rolled her eyes at him before shutting the door.

"Take a seat," she instructed pointing at the medical chair. "I just need a moment," she tossed her healer's coat over the back of her desk chair and shrugged out of her black over coat, taking another sip of her coffee. She looked through the cabinets, but didn't find a single hangover cure. She would have to start one today. Hopefully, it would be ready before the next wild night out. She hummed to herself as she searched through the rest of the supplies, mentally taking note of what she had. She would have to do an actual inventory count later, although from the looks of it, the supplies were very poorly stocked.

"I hate to break it to you, but there's no hangover cure in here, but I did find ibuprofen and some zofran. Do you have any allergies?" Unfortunately, even her magic couldn't cure a hangover, only the potion. Chelsea shook her head. "Take the white pill first. It will help with nausea. Then, then the blue pill for the headache. Unfortunately, the only cure for hangovers without the potion are pain meds, time, and lots of water," Kai gave Chelsea an apologetic smile as she handed her a glass of water from the sink and the pills.

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