"Sammy look at me." Amelia tells the girl silently crying. She waits until Sam looks in her eyes before continuing. "This isn't a bad place. You can have fun and learn so much if you allow yourself to. I know you've been on your own for so long but you don't have to anymore." Amelia says as she strokes Sam's cheeks. The stress of everything has caused Sam to shutdown giving Amelia a small nod. Amelia picks up the small girl placing sam on her hip and walks over to the closet.

"What would you like to wear today?" Amelia asks the girl. Sam just shrugs as a response. Amelia frowns at the now sulking little. She wishes she hadn't been so hasty to state the facts but she knew Sam was in denial about her classification. Amelia chooses an outfit for Sam after a couple minutes of silence, settling for a short sleeve green button up shirt and some khaki shorts.

Amelia places Sam on her feet ready to take off her onesie when Sam instantly makes a run for the door. Amelia sighs as she watches Sam ram her body against the door full speed. Her plan worked in her head, but quickly Sam realizes her mistake when she falls to the ground with a thud after hitting the door. Her arm and butt hurt from the collision and fall as she was unsuccessful in opening the door. The look of defeat on Sam's face hurts Amelia but she also can't help the smile breaking through from watching such a terrible escape.

"I thought we said no running little one." Amelia says as she picks up the cranky girl. Sam doesn't look at Amelia she keeps her eye on the ground. Sitting Sam on the bed she she removes the onesie with only a couple of grumbles from the little. 'At least she's not violent today' Amelia thinks to herself. Quickly Amelia buttons up her shirt and puts on her shorts up over the pull-up.

Picking up the girl Amelia heads towards the bathrooms to wash her face and get her teeth and hair brushed .

"I have to use the bathroom." Sam says in a small voice.

"Of course, it's right through that door" Amelia says pointing to it. See Amelia didn't know the master plan going through Sam's head right now. When Sam closed the door and dropped her shorts she did her business but also took off the pull-up putting it in the trash can and proceeded to wash her hands.

Walking out the door Amelia grabs Sam hand leading her to the cafeteria for some breakfast. Walking thought the door Sam is hit with a heavenly smell. Amelia picks up Sam to put on her lap keeping an arm wrapped around her waist and ignoring the protest from Sam. She knows Sam is to unpredictable to sit on her own so until she is adjusted Amelia will be holding onto Sam.

When one of the staff brought over pancakes and fruit Sam quickly grabs the plate and grabs a pancake with her bare hands to shove in her mouth. Sam who is to distract by the delicious taste didn't hear Amelia telling her to slow down. While Amelia is glad Sam has such a good appetite knowing she needs to gain weight she is worried Sam will choke. After finishing her first pancake Sam goes to grab another only to be stoped by Amelia.

"You need to slow down Sammy, I don't want you choking. If you can't I'll feed you, ok?" Amelia says to the little girl on her lap. She sees a small nod and allows the girl back to her food.  Sam picks up another pancake eating a little slower than last time.

"Can I have more?" The girl asks turning around to look at Amelia with wide begging eyes. Amelia can see bits of pancake stuck on her face and can't help but smile at how cute she is. Looking at her plate Amelia sees the fruit untouched.

"Once you eat your fruit you can have more pancakes." Amelia tells Sam.

"But I don't like it."Sam groans

"It's not up for discussion sweets. And you haven't even tried it. Maybe you'll like it." Sighing Sam picks up a strawberry putting it in her mouth and not long after all the fruit is gone. Sam couldn't deny how good the fresh fruit was considering she never had it before but didn't want to give Amelia the satisfaction of knowing she was right.

In the end Sam had enough pancakes to feed a village and were the last ones in the cafeteria. Amelia could hear the crew starting lunch so she picked sam up but not before giving her a heavy clean down with a wet wipe while Sam retaliated by squirming constantly.

Picking Sam up Amelia knew it was time for the little girl to get a check up with the academy's doctor, however Amelia wasn't sure she was ready to face that battle. Sam noticed the different route they we're taking today and how far away it was. She wondered were they were going until she came upon a door the had the words doctor office on them. Instantly panicking the girl struggled in the woman's hold by trashing and eventually tried hitting and kicking. All that got Sam was a sharp hit to her rear side causing the girl to be frozen. Sam hadn't even had enough time to react before the doctor opened the door.

"Ahhh Amelia and little one, welcome. Come in come in." The doctor says excitedly. Amelia enters the room with a still frozen Sam on her hip and goes to put the girl down on the table coved in white paper. Once she was all situated the doctor started speaking again.

"You must be Sam. I'm Dr.Raven and I'm gonna be checking up on you to make sure your all healthy." Sam gave a slight nod but chose to remain quiet.

"I was looking at her records and saw no previous doctor visits so I'm gonna have to do the full work up today." Dr. Raven said to Amelia. She knew that was code for they are going to have to administer a few shots today and Amelia couldn't be more tepid. Dr.Raven approach's the young girl on the table and checks her eyes, nose, and throat. She checks her lungs by asking Sam to breathe a bunch and then goes to weigh her. The number that pops up on the digital scale concerns both Amelia and Dr.Raven. At 88 pounds and 4'11" Sam is severely underweight even after that huge breakfast she had.

"Alright Sam, it looks like you need to gain some weight so that means 3 big meals a day, snacks in between, and a bottle at night." The doctor say looking at Sam but is really talking to Amelia.

Amelia knew the bottle was going to be a difficult adjustment for Sam but will be packed full of supplements to help her gain weight. Sam was mortified at the thought have having to be bottle fed like and baby but chose to stay quiet and still.

It was now time for the worst part.

The injections.

Amelia kept Sam distracted by tickling her mercilessly as Dr.Raven got everything she needed. Coming over to the laughing girl she placed everything on a trey next to her.

An out of breath Sam slowly started to realize what was going on when she saw the sharp object in the doctors hand. Before Sam could bolt, Amelia who knew what Sam would do already had her in a bear hug to restrain the now screaming little. It wasn't until all of Sam shots were over that Amelia loosed her hold on the girl and started to rub her back and head. With the snap of Amelia's wrist Benny magically appeared in her hand and Sam rushed to grab the comfort object.

"There all done sweet girl. And I have a lollipop for a very brave little girl." The doctor says to the sobbing little clutching the stuffed dinosaur for dear life. Dr.Raven pulls out a blue lollipop from her pocket and hands it to Sam. Hesitantly taking the sugary treat she pops it in her mouth after taking off the wrapper.

"Thank you Dr.Raven. Say bye Sammy." Sam didn't even bother with talking knowing all that would come out would be a sob. Instead she sniffled while waving a quick goodbye to the doctor.

After the morning Sam has had, Amelia thinks it's time for Sam to have a little fun and embrace her little side by taking her to the playroom. She knows Sam is not quite ready for the huge playground that probably has about 35-50 littles running around, but the playroom connected to the west wing will probably have about 10 littles and should be a lot less overwhelming for Sam. It's big enough so if she doesn't want to interact with anyone she doesn't have to. Heading to it with a tear stained little, Amelia sends a silent prayer and hopes for the best.

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