Part 2: chapter 21

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*Eleazar Sallow above*

Some time in the future

Eleazar pov

A loud rumbling made me made me jump out of my bed. Mum had told me I could sleep at home the night before which was weird to me but I wasn't complaining. I'd rather stay at the cottage instead of the common room anyway.

I got up and quickly got dressed. I did not want to fight a bad guy in my Jammies. I looked around my room only to see I only had my school uniform clean. I sighed and quickly put it on and grabbed my wand.

When I opened the door a hand instantly went over my mouth. I struggled for a second before realizing it was my father. He was hiding against the wall peeking around the corner.

"Eleazar, grab your sister." He commanded in his serious voice which meant I could make jokes or complain.

I walked into her new room and picked her up out of her small bed. When I walked back into the hall Dad had his wand in his hand. He looked stressed and angry.

"Where's mum?" I asked in a whisper.

He gave me a quick smile and took in my appearance, "why did you put your uniform on?"

"You are still in your work clothes." I pointed out.

He looked down at his black button up. His sleeves rolled up like he usually does.he said it's cause mum likes it. "Yeah I am. And your mother went outside already."

There was another loud boom and dad hit his fist against the wall but didn't move. He looked like he really wanted to go help mum.

"Damnit, Ava." He mumbled it himself.

Suddenly the front of the house exploded. Dad grabbed Anne and I and curled over us to block us from the blast. We waited for a second as the dust began to settle and stuff stopped falling over.

Dad fell on the floor next to me making me panic. "Dad? Dad!"

"Is everyone okay?" Mum hurried up to us moving debris out of her way. She wore a dark cloak with the hood over her head. She looked like she had maybe just gotten home. Her long wavy silver curls poured over her shoulder from under the hood.

"Mum..." I said trying not to cry, "dad won't answer."

Her eyes got wide as she dropped to her knees and checked for a pulse. I saw her take a breath of relief, "he's okay. He's just knocked out."

"AVA!" A voice boomed somewhere in the darkness making mum start to panic.

"Oh dear," she looked around before She held up her hand as a blue light started to glow and a doorway opened. "Alright honey, look at me." She held both sides of my face. There was another boom off in the distance and she quickly looked over her should let before looking me in the eyes, "you are going to go in the door with your sister. Me or your father will come get you as soon as it's clear okay?"

"But I want to stay and help." I begged.

She smiled and quickly kissed my and Anne's heads. "You are such a big boy. I love you okay?"

Before I could answer she pushed us into the door way immediately closing it once we were through.


Ava's pov

The sound of the trolls yelling made made my eyes snap open as I remembered where I was.  I saw a blue and green glow shine on me. As I looked around and looked up Eleazar was in front of me holding his wand out in front of himself. He was holding a Protego cast. But also using ancient magic.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now