4.The Vigilante's Leaders

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Part : 3

Pairing : Kinshiro Toyama, the Leader of the Edo Vigilante × Makoto Nakagawa, the Leader of the Nagasaki Vigilante.

Source : Ninja Assassin

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About three hours later, Makoto was sitting at the table with the rest of the Vigilantes, both from Edo and Nagasaki. It was clear that Makoto was even more pissed than usual. They were waiting for the culprit responsible for his anger.

Finally, Tokugawa couldn't help but speak up with a whisper, "Okay, Makoto seems angrier than usual. Does anybody know anything?"

The others shook their heads; they were also clueless.


The Vigilantes looked up as the door opened to see a man with green-hair enter.

"Welcome back, Otto," Makoto said.


Kinshiro stood still and took a glance at the other Vigilantes in the room, who sucked in sharp breaths.

He casually replied, "I'm back, Daarin."


Makoto glared at his lover, and Kinshiro tensed up, wondering what he had done this time. Makoto stood up as others looked at what he was going to do.

He began walking out of the room, but before he completely walked out he informed her lightly, "I'm pregnant, you bastard."

Kinshiro froze as he watched Makoto leave. His eyes widened as he turned to Wasaka. His eyes were asking if his lover was being serious. Wasaka nodded at the green-haired Edo Vigilante Leader.

He quickly declared "By the way, we are already a married couple," before following to see Makoto.

Everyone in the room felt shocked when they heard this; some people were even on the verge of passing out. Makoto and Kinshiro always acted as if they hated one another. Kinshiro would always try to irritate Makoto, and Makoto would always get mad at him. They were speechless-all except the two, Wasaka and Kagura that already knew.

But there were four reasons for their shock too:

Firstly, Makoto just came out as gay.

Secondly, Kinshiro was also gay.

Thirdly, both Makoto and Kinshiro were in a married relationship

And now they were expecting a baby.

. . .

Kinshiro found Makoto standing on the balcony, looking casually at the bright and cheerful town, but he could feel his beloved's anxiety by how his hands were tightly clenched around the railings until they turned white.

He walked over and tucked his blue hair behind his ears to get a clear view of Makoto's tear-filled eyes.

"I'm sorry." He breathed softly, "I was late."

Makoto looked into his lover's tender eyes as his tears fell for the first time after his pregnancy was known.

He can be strong or act like a strong person in front of others, but when it comes to his lover, whom he trusted, loved, and cared for and who accepted him for himself, he can't resist exposing his actual emotions.

When he found out about his pregnancy through Wasaka, at first he was scared, but then he was worried about the child, his child, and most importantly, 'Our child'. He could no longer maintain his frigid demeanor anymore but show his true self in the presence of his beloved.

Kinshiro held his lover's waist as tears poured down his beloved's eyes. He moved his hands on his lover's back in small circles as he silently assisted his lover in distress.

"I'm s-scared, Otto." Makoto's muffled voice came from Kinshiro's neck.

"I'm here, Daarin. I'm here." The green-haired male gently pushed his lover away, taking his tear-filled face into his warm hands.

Kinshiro wiped Makoto's tears with his thumb, lifting his face until their eyes met before pressing his lips softly to the blue-haired male's forehead while whispering, " I love you, Daarin. Always."

. . .

Makoto was working on a new painting. He slowly ran his paintbrush down the canvas in a straight line before turning it into a curved line. His hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and his kimono was loosely put on.

It has been 10 weeks since they found out about his pregnancy; currently, he is residing in Edo village with the Edo Vigilantes' Leader's family.

At the Vigilantes meeting with both the Vigilantes groups in the inn a month ago, they came out to the Vigilantes, who were shocked but soon accepted them because they both were long known for their strong 'friendship' and how they were both excellent in their respective fields.

The other Vigilantes couldn't avoid or deny them just because they both were in a gay relationship. In addition, who were they to judge the couple?

At first, when Kinshiro asked Makoto to go back to Edo village with him, Makoto immediately refuted him, stating that he was also the Leader of Nagasaki Vigilante and that his job was important too.

Kinshiro agreed, saying that his lover was right, but he explained that his safety was more important than his job. While Makoto was hesitating, the other Vigilantes persuaded him to go to Kinshiro, saying that his safety was important during these unknown robberies, which were targeting other Vigilantes group members' lives. In the end, Makoto agreed to stay in the Edo village for the time being.

Makoto was admiring his completed work when someone knocked on the door. He asked, "Who is it?"

"A delivery man, Mr.Nakagawa."

"Oh, Come in." Makoto replied with a smile, knowing well who the 'delivery man' was.

The door was opened by a man with green hair, who entered with a plate full of rabbit-shaped wagashi.

"Here is your order, Mr. Nakagawa." He said it with a grin.

Makoto cleaned his hands using a cloth before grabbing a wagashi from the plate.

"If this is good, I will give you a job." He said this while taking a bite.

"What job, Mr. Nakagawa?" Kinshiro played along, giving him a puzzled look.

Makoto moved closer to him, his arms wrapped around his neck, and his lips were placed over the green-haired male's lips, replaying with a soft voice, "A job as my partner, to spend our whole life together."

"Wow, I will gladly take it."

Kinshiro softly murmured, bringing his lover closer by his waist and leaning down for a short kiss, and tasting the sweet flavor of the wagashi in his lover's mouth.

He pulled back, causing a string of saliva to hang between their wet lips. He licked it off Makoto's lips and asked, "What do you want for lunch?"

Makoto thought for a moment before responding, "Teriyaki with chicken?"

"No fish, today? Everyone is aware of Makoto's love for fish, yet he no longer likes it. What a surprise! Since when did you not like to eat them?" Kinshiro teased.

"Hmm? Since a few months before, by a certain someone." The blue-haired male spoke while his mouth was slightly twisting into a scowl.

"Oh! What did this certain someone do ?" Kinshiro enquired with a smirk.

Makoto glared at him with red ears and said, "Let's go; I'm hungry." leaving his lover's embrace.

"Aww, someone's getting shy." He laughed, looking at his embarrassed lover.

Even though they had engaged in intimate things many times, his lover was still reluctant about saying them.

Seeing that Makoto was getting angry, he quickly coaxed him, "Alright, let's go, let's go."

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