Chapter 1: Good for you

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A/N: Welcome to chapter 1 of my book. Just to let you know, this chapter includes inappropriate language. Without further ado, enjoy.


Normal: English

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: Speaking Korean

The Los Angeles airport was a bustling place as people rushed to catch their flights. Even at 7 am, people had places to be. Alika looked down at her phone, rereading the latest message from her boyfriend.

'He said he would be here.' She muttered, looking around in every direction possible. She wanted to say goodbye to him, but also she needed to tell him something else, something important. And to be a decent person, she decided to tell him face-to-face. She looked around at the people zooming past her as she searched for a familiar feature, something belonging to him. And she finally spotted it, his annoyingly defined face. He casually walked over to her, like he had all the time in the world, like she had all the time in the world, which was incorrect. Hurry the hell up. His walk was sluggish and he had a looming frown on his handsome features. Alika crossed her arms over her chest and impatiently tapped her foot against the shiny, abalone-grey ground. He stood in front of her, his lips momentarily curling into a performative smile, before returning to a frown.

'What's up?' He asked as he dug his hands deep into his jogger's pockets.

'What's up? I'm leaving. I'm going to Korea for a year.' Alika let out an exasperated sigh. She stared at the wreck in front of her as he slowly nodded his perfectly sculpted head.

'Ah, yeah. Now I remember.' He said with a toothy grin. Alika rolled her dark brown eyes so far back she thought they would never return.

'Now you remember? We're in an airport.' She raised her arms, signaling to the tall dome they were currently standing inside. His mouth hung open as he looked around at the large building and at the people passing by. Alika couldn't tell whether he was confused or in awe, but she was frustrated with him nonetheless. Why was I sad to leave him? Why am I in a relationship with him? 'Anyway, that doesn't matter now. I wanted to say goodbye and tell you that we should break up.' Alika muttered as a bewildered pang shot through her heart. His breath hitched and his eyes widened, his gorgeously long lashes fluttering as he blinked a couple of times.

'Break up?' Tears brimmed his eyes as he took a deep breath in and let it back out. Alika forced her tears back inside as she looked away from him, unable to watch his broken face any longer. 'What did I do? Did I make a mistake?' He gently grasped her hands, clutching them as if he never wanted to let go. 'I know I'm not the brightest bulb of the bunch, or however that saying goes, but I love you.' His voice cracked a little and he coughed, trying to cover it up, which didn't work at all. Alika's widened eyes shot back to look at him.

'Love?' She was on a whole different page to him and it broke her a little bit. He loves me? Now I realize why I'm sad to leave him. She cleared her throat as her eyes returned to their usual slender shape. 'I'm grateful for your love and your honest feelings. We've had a lot of good times together.' But also way more bad times. She frowned at the thought. 'You'll always be special to me, but considering everything that's happening, I think it would be best if we went back to being friends.' Friends. I can do friends. Hopefully, he can as well. He pursed his plump lips as he softly pulled his hands away from hers, tucking them back into the pockets of his joggers. He dejectedly looked at the ground, unable to meet her eyes. Almost as if he'd break down into tears if he so much as glanced at her face. She couldn't blame him because she felt a similar feeling in her chest. Although Alika didn't love the boy in front of her, he was an important part of her life. A comforting person who could listen to her ramble on about random things for hours. Someone she'd known for years. Someone she'd come to lean on. But also someone who annoyed the shit out of her. She smiled at the thought of their petty arguments which seemed trivial in this moment. 'I'll call you.' Alika said as she turned away from him, a stray tear drifting down her cheek. She instantly wiped it away. She paused. 'As a friend.' She added and then walked away from him, not wanting to hear his shattered sobs or the aftermath of her actions. 


Alika slipped through the busy crowds, trying to get to the right gate for her flight. Her Dad had texted, saying he was at gate 10, but the airport was like a well-crafted maze. And the people were distractions, trying to throw her off. She stopped, looking at the signs above her, searching for the one which would help lead her in the right direction. But before she could find it, Alika was momentarily distracted by a strange feeling. She was sucked into a dreamland where time had slowed and she was stuck, her feet glued to the ground, as everyone else passed by. The baby hairs around her face waved in the small wind which was caused by the rush of people. It was a weird feeling. Like everyone else was moving forward, living their lives, while she was stuck in the same place. She was getting older, she was living, but she wasn't alive, not really. She didn't have purpose, didn't have a bright future. She took a deep breath, slowly letting it back out. She closed her eyes, feeling goosebumps line her caramel cheeks, feeling the gentle breeze flutter against her skin. But her peace was disturbed, as it always was, by a hard nudge to her arm which made her stumble backwards. Her sharp eyes shot open and she turned to look at the cause.

'Hey.' She called out to a guy who was carrying a black bag over his shoulder. He must have accidentally hit her with his bag. He spun around, dramatically took off his blue-tinted glasses, and narrowed his eyes at Alika. 'You just hit me with your bag.' She said as she looked at his handsome features in more depth. His slender, cat-like eyes were a dark chocolate color. There was a smirk almost looming on his perfectly pink-tinted lips. And his middle-parted dark mocha hair gently framed his flawless face. As for his clothes, well, they just yelled out wealthy in thousands of different languages. And at the same time, calling Alika all types of poor.

'Actually, you got in the way of my bag.' His British accent ascended Alika to Heaven, but his rudeness brought her back down to Earth.

'Excuse me?' Alika placed an offended hand on her chest.

'You heard me.' He cradled his bag. 'I bet this bag is worth more than your entire being.' He narrowed his eyes at her and carefully let go of his bag.

'That is an object.' She pointed at the bag while ignoring the rude man pulling his bag away from her. 'I am a human being.' She gestured to herself with two hands. He placed his glasses back on, resting them on the bridge of his nose, and looked over his glasses at Alika.

'Good for you.' He turned around and Alika stopped herself from slapping him right there and then. Something caught her attention as he turned, making her semi-violent thoughts disperse.

'You go to KISS?' She asked, looking at the KISS keyring on his bag. He turned around to face her and Alika's eyes wandered up to his face. His perfectly shaped eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at her. Then, he left without uttering another word. What a rude bastard. Alika ignored her thoughts and the encounter itself as she made her way to gate 10, using the signposting as a guide. Her father hugged her when she arrived, a worried look knitting his thick brows.

'Gosh, Alika. I thought you were lost or worse.' He said, cupping her cheeks with his soft hands. 'Where were you?'

'I broke up with my boyfriend, got lost because I couldn't find the gate, had a dream-like moment, and then an annoying encounter with a rude man.' Alika said without breathing. She took deep breaths as her father's mouth hung open. He went to speak, but Alika interrupted him. 'I'm fine.' She said, brushing everything off. 'Let's just go.' Her Dad nodded at the request, and they entered their gate, showing the staff their passports and flight information beforehand. If he does want to know what happened, we have time. Specifically 13 hours on a plane. Yay for me.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Thoughts and predictions?

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