In his hands, Ranpo carried a tray, balancing a steaming hot chocolate and a fragrant cup of coffee. As he approached, his gaze locked with yours, a knowing smile gracing his lips. With a graceful gesture, he extended the coffee towards you, an unspoken gesticulation of care and familiarity. And as your fingers curled around the warmth of the cup, he leaned in, planting a tender peck upon your lips, a gentle reminder of his affectionate nature.

The room's occupants watched, their expressions ranging from mild amusement to quiet envy, as Ranpo effortlessly navigated the space. Acknowledging the presence of each person, he greeted them with a warmth that transcended mere pleasantries. Makoto, ever the picture of gruff stoicism, could only manage a grunt in response, a feeble attempt to mask his curiosity beneath an impenetrable facade.

Taking his place at the front of the room, Ranpo commanded attention. The blackboard served as his backdrop, its expanse now transformed into a canvas upon which the intricate details of the case would be painted. The anticipation in the room palpable, all eyes turned towards the enigmatic detective, awaiting the unveiling of his brilliant mind.

"I have gathered you all here today," Ranpo began, his voice filled with a captivating allure, "for the purpose of unravelling the enigma known as the Tokyo Zodiac Murders. But before we delve into the depths of this perplexing case, I must inquire if you possess your father's note?" When Kaori nodded her head, Ranpo smiled and clapped his hands together in satisfaction, "ah, splendid. May I kindly request it from you?"

With an annoyed grunt, Makoto reluctantly handed the note to Ranpo.

"Now, revealing the identity of the murderer is a task not fraught with complexity. She now hides under the guise of Keiko Sudo, a purveyor of handbags within her boutique nestled near Seiryoji Temple in the scenic realm of Sagano, Kyoto. The boutique bears the name 'Megumi.' Should you seek her out, the story shall unfurl, granting you the intricate details. Unless, of course, you wish me to continue? Very well, then. Prepare yourselves."

Ranpo's explanation blossomed with brilliance, each word a gem meticulously placed, illuminating the shadows of the room. You couldn't help but wish for an audience of a thousand, that they too might bear witness to the masterful oration unfolding before you. The police station's stifling walls seemed to expand, eager to embrace the magnificence that resonated within its confines.

"The simplicity of the crime led to its obscurity, hidden for four decades. Keiko Sudo, the orchestrator of these heinous acts, masterminded her own vanishing act, becoming an elusive phantom. As Miss [L/N] had earlier conjectured, it was indeed an act of magic, yet not Hiroshi Takahashi's hand at work, as his imagination had led him to believe. The true magician, my dear friends, was Keiko herself. The foundation of her success lay in the Takahashi family's intricate connection to astrology, an enchantment crafted through the alignment of stars. Perhaps we should label it the magic of the zodiac."

With each word that danced from Ranpo's lips, an air of revelation encircled the room, electrifying the atmosphere with a surge of anticipation. The tale that unfurled before you held the power to captivate souls and unveil the secrets that had lingered in the shadows for far too long.

Ranpo cleared his throat before continuing, "first, let's examine the perplexing case of Hiroshi Takahashi's death inside his locked studio. As a recap, all the windows had iron grilles, there were no hidden exits, and the door was secured with a sliding bar and padlock. Additionally, due to heavy snowfall, it was impossible for anyone to enter or leave the studio without leaving footprints. Before his demise, Hiroshi had consumed sleeping pills. Interestingly, his beard was recently trimmed, yet no scissors or razor were found at the crime scene. In the snow, there were two sets of footprints—one from a man's shoes and the other from a woman's. It appeared that the man walked away from the studio after the woman. The snowfall ceased at 11:30 p.m, implying that Hiroshi's presumed time of death fell between that time and 11 a.m. Furthermore, a model was scheduled to pose for Hiroshi that evening, but she was never located."

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