We were now both fully dressed and the engineer who was late had finally arrived along with the rest of my crew.

I placed the blunt to my lips taking a long pull and held the smoke in my lungs. I sunk deeper into my chair and closed my eyes bopping my head to the beat that filled the room. "This beat fire" Bully said bopping his head too. "Facts, get me in the booth" I say blowing out the smoke from my mouth and getting up. I got up stretching and looked across the room to see Ari on the couch asleep. She took the whole couch up too meaning some of the homies had to stand. I chuckled to myself and made my way to inside the booth.

Amaria's POV

I woke up to the smell of weed and a sound of a beat and Davids voice rapping on it. Before I opened my eyes I remembered I was in the studio. I sit up slowly feeling my body ache and my stomach rumble meaning I'm hungry. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up some more.

I looked around the room to see it filled with a bunch of niggas smoking while bumping they heads to the beat. I looked into the booth seeing Dave rapping his heart out, I could tell he was freestyling too as he didn't have his usual note pad in hand and he does this thing when he really concentrated on something he squints.

I looked for my phone but realised it was across the room in my bag, I got up walking to get my bag while also saying hi to a few of Daves homies.

I got my bag fishing my phone out and leaving out the studio to check on Messiah. I went to my contacts pressing on Daves mothers contact, I waited while the phone rung. She didn't end up picking up, which is understandable since it's almost 12am, I was just hoping they would still be up. Me and Dave spent the whole day together and the studio was theist destination, and throughout the whole day I only spoke to Messi once. I sighed shutting off my phone and turning around to go back into the studio, but instead I was met with Darius, Daves long time friend.

"Holy shit you scared me" I shrieked holding my chest and taking a step back. "My bad ma, I was tryna come talk to you real quick" he chuckles as I just looked at him blankly. Since when did this nigga call me ma? he always call me sis when Dave is around. I shrugged off what he said and nodded, "It's okay, jus don't sneak up on me like that again" I say laughing a little but nothing was funny, I get scared easily and I dont like that shit. I tried walking past him but he grabbed my arm softly. "Hold on where you running off to so quick" he chuckled again making me wanna roll my eyes. "Uh... going back in" I say confused. "I'm sayin im tryna have a conversation with you, I feel like ion even know you that well" he said licking over his lips.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked giving into his conversation. "Well I been meaning to ask you this" he started off as I nodded, "You know that night you met Dave, I was there too, one of your homegirls was dancing on me" he said as I thought of Chantel, when she was dancing on some nigga who I thought was a random but I guess it was him. "Shorty was pretty, but whole time I really wanted you" he said smirking. "Oh" I said not really knowing what to say. "I just wanted to know if you was feeling a nigga too?" he asked taking a step closer to me as I took a step back. He looked into my eyes intensely while I looked around the room unsure of what to do or to think of right now.

"Nigga I be back, I gotta take a piss" I heard someone say, I turned around to see Bully opening the studio door open, "Oh hey sis" he said once his eyes landed on me but soon they went to behind me, a frown showed up on his face. I turned around to see the nigga take a few steps backwards. "Ay my loc, what you doin?" he says dapping up Bully as Bully dapped him too but still looked sceptical. "I could ask y'all niggas the same thing" he said looking between me and Darius. "I was trying to call Daves mom to talk to Messiah, Darius was just asking me if I was okay because I left the room looking upset but I was really just tired" I say giving him a fake smile. I don't want him telling Dave this because Dave is known for blowing shit out of proportion, and our relationship been going good lately so we don't need something small and stupid like this get in the way.

Handsome pt.2Where stories live. Discover now