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Amaria's POV

"Amaria express your issues with Dave" she said. "His lying and cheating, it makes me look at him different, most times that I see his face all I feel is hurt and hate" I said as the therapist nodded and gestured towards Dave to talk. He better not say shit because I'm perfect.

"She has a short temper issue, she blows everything out of proportion, she don't want to communicate with me, she always trying to be in control andddd I would like more sex" Dave said making me roll my eyes. "Amaria how do you feel about what Dave has to say" the therapist asked me. "I agree with everything he said, those are some things I struggle with, but I do want to just say that I really do try and let him be in control. Sometimes I feel out of control when I don't have control. And when he cheats that makes me feel scared for him to lead or be in control because I feel like I can't trust him" I said.

I do blow shit out of proportion and I don't communicate well with Dave when we argue but in all honesty I try really hard to let Dave be the man and take the lead in our relationship. Especially since we got married, but he betrayed my trust again and again and at this point I don't know if I have any more to give.

"And when we get in an argument I don't 'communicate' with him because he want's to be all up in my face after, I need space to just debrief but he can't give me that so we argue again. Sex part was uncalled for, i just had a baby" I said looking at Dave as he shrugged. "Im just expressing Ari" he said. "And you also blow things out of proportion" I explained. "And Dave what do you think about what Ari had to say about your dishonesty and adulterous activities?" the therapist asked Dave. "It ain't like I actually want to, it just happens" he said as I scoffed. "What kind of explanation is that? How is that supposed to make me feel better?" I said.

"Amaria we aren't here to make you feel better, we are here to figure out the problem of the your relationship" the therapist said. "The problem is that he is cheating, duh" I said to the therapist. "The cheating and the lying may be the biggest problem but it's not the whole problem" the therapist said. "Dave has just explained his issues that he has with you in the relationship, those things are part of the problem" she said.

"Dave are you able to give a more in depth answer to my question?" the therapist asked Dave as he sighed. "I honestly don't want to, it's not like I want to hurt you on purpose. I don't expect you to understand where I'm coming from but I want you to know that I truly am sorry for all the shit I put you through, I really want us to be together. Which is why I dragged her ass here" he said the last part to the therapist chuckling but she didn't seem to be amused and neither was I. 

"And what about not giving Amaria space after an argument?" the therapist asked. "I don't hold onto shit like she do, I don't give a fuck after the argument is done it's done" he said. "I think you do it just to piss me off" I said. "Ain't the woman just say it ain't about you" Dave said making me roll my eyes. She continued to try and nitpick and ask us annoying questions for the rest of our session.

"I feel as if this was a productive session, we only scratched the surface though, there is a lot more to go. However I see this ending in a positive situation and I hope you two feel the same way" she said.

We finished up our session and got in the car as Dave drove us to the house. I sat in the passenger seat scrolling on instagram and liked Nia's post with Bully and Nas.

"How you feel?" Dave asked me. "Tired" I simply said. "Ari" Dave sighed. "I don't feel like having this conversation again" I said going back on my phone.

So let me give you a mini update in the last week. Me and Dave had conversation and I decided to try and work through this. Dave asked me to do couples therapy with him, it took a little convincing but then I agreed. I want to make it work for our family, I want to live the life I dreamed about since I was a little girl. It ain't working out like I hoped but at the same time that's how life is.

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