Chapter 1

133 8 1

Part 1

3rd person : 

Jeonghan woke up from his alarm telling him to get up and prepare for school he open his eyes slowly and turn off his alarm he got up from his bed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast for him and his friend who is still sleeping he is making pancakes since it's simple to make and he was to lazy to make eggs or something after he finish he went to his friend room to wake him up

"channie – ssi get up its almost time to school you know?" he said while shaking his friends who is 3 years younger than him chan slowly open his eyes to see his favorite hyung waking him up "come on wake up I made pancakes" jeonghan said chan got up from his bed and followed his hyung, chan sat down and started eating the pancake jeonghan give him some glass of milk chan give him a smile and smiled back to chan

"hyung did you already eat?" he ask his hyung who chuckles before nodding chan give him a ok sign before continuing eating his pancake "I'm going to take a shower and get ready hurry up and also get ready so we can go early k?" jeonghan informing him which he receive a nod from the younger he made his way to his room and took a shower

Jeonghan and chan lives in an apartment since his parent died on a car accident in the age of 22 years old he started working when he was just in 12th grade and he continued being a working student until his 3rd year of college, meanwhile chan met jeonghan when he was in 11th grade which jeonghan was in 1st year of college his parent told him to leave his home which chan agreed since he was being abuse by his parent when he was in 9th grade jeonghan let him live with him until now he treats chan as his son he would babied him most of the time which chan just let him do it jeonghan is like a father to chan, chan is now 1st yeard of college jeonghan enrolled him in his school so he can look after him .

Jeonghan finally finished showering, he went to his closet to choose a cloth to use he was thinking of wearing something cute since he was in a good mode to wear something cute which he wish his crush would notice him someday but that would definitely not happen or well it ?

"channie are you finish dear?" jeonghan called him from the living room putting on his shoes chan came running from his room and going to the fridge to get some apples on the way the school jeonghan looked at chan to see him also wearing something cute "I'm ready hyung!" he said in a cute way jeonghan chuckles at how cute chan is "ok then shall we go?" jeonghan said receiving a nod from chan

Jeonghan and chan walk out of the apartment and head to the parking lot where jeonhan's motor was park at jeonghan started the motor while chan sat behind him he put on the helmet they started they're way to the school which is 20 minutes away form they're apartment by a motorcycle

time skip

jeonghan and chan finally arrived at the school they park the motor before heading in while going entering the school they talk about random stuff or most likely chan was rumbling about his two crush who we're friends with his crush jeonghan find it cute that chan found a crush and how he wants to look cute in their eyes jeonghan just chuckles while chan was talking

jeonghan's phone buzz, he took out his phone and saw that their friend texted him

Gay people💖

hyung did you guys finally arrive?

yeah where just entering the school
where are you guys?

where in the classroom hyung
woozi hyung where are you?

I'm on my way there

guys did seungcheol and seokmin hyung arrive?

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