~9~ Necklace from a Secret Admirer

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"Presents! Come on now!" I cried happily.

I had knitted a mix of hats and scarfs for Ollie, Percy, Harry, Ron and even the professors, who I would hand deliver them to myself. I started opening all of my gifts.

I had received two organization notebooks from Percy and Hermione, Perfume from Ollie, a box of honey duke chocolates from Harry and Ron, a blue sweater with a black S on it from Mrs. Weasley, a box from the twins which, for my own safety, I decided not to open. Seamus had gotten me a nice little bracelet, and my mum sent me some money and her homemade cookies, which I passed around to the boys. At the bottom of my pile, there was a little box with a card.

The card read:

Merry Christmas Sara!
-Anonymous xx

The handwriting looked familiar but I couldn't pinpoint it. I opened the box and pulled out a necklace that had a moon on the bottom. It was really a beautiful necklace.

"Who's that from?" asked Percy.

"I don't know. Here's the card."

I handed him the card, and Ollie looked at it.

"Why does the handwriting look so familiar?" asked Percy.

"You have a secret admirer!" Ollie wiggled his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up and help me put this on."

Ollie put the necklace on me and I admired myself in the mirror. "I like it."

I tucked the note in my pocket and we went down to the common room. When I saw Hermione, I sat next to her and handed her the note. "Hermione, can you tell who's handwriting this is? It looks so familiar but I really can't figure it out."

She read through it. Her face changed slightly, but then she said "No, I don't."

That little lair! She totally knew.

"Hermione, yes you do! Tell me!"

Hermione shook her head frantically. She looked confused and had a disapproving look on her face.

"Fine, be like that then." I crossed my arms and shoved the note back in my pocket.

"Thanks for the hat." she said sweetly.

I just turned away from her, before feeling her arms around my shoulder.

"Oh all right, you're welcome Hermione." I patted her back kindly. 

Soon, it was time for lunch. When we arrived at the hall, all the house tables were pushed to the side, and now only one long table was in the middle of the room. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Sprout, and Filch were there. And a couple other students from other houses who's faces I didn't really recognize. 

"Merry Christmas!" said Dumbledore as as we all walked in "As there are so few of us, it seemed foolish to use the House tables.... sit down, sit down!"

Percy, Ollie and I sat down side by side, and Ron, Harry and Hermione right across from us. 

"Crackers!" said Dumbledore enthusiastically, offering the end of a large silver noisemaker to Snape, who took it reluctantly and tugged. With a bang like a gunshot, the cracker flew apart to reveal a large, pointed witch's hat topped with a stuffed vulture.

"PRESENTS!" I suddenly remembered. Everyone turned to look at me as I jumped out of my seat and started walking towards all the professors. I handed little wrapped gifts to Flitwick and Sprout, and they beamed at me. 

"Oh how lovely dear." Sprout said, looking at her new earmuffs that I knitted with fondness. 

I then handed some newly knitted socks to Dumbledore, who grinned. "I shall be wearing these all the time."

Hurt | Remus Lupinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن