Chapter 3: Rengoku

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Obanai POV

I kept running as far as could before I collapsed of exhaustion.

No! Get up! Aku needs help, so stand!

Suddenly, I froze. I felt an intimidating aura behind me. I turned around and was face to face with the snake demon. Her face was covered in blood, and she had a psychotic smile plasterd on her face.

"You really think you can run, Huh!" She said as she started to laugh loudly.

She raised her fist, and I turned around to shield Aku, waiting for my end.

But my end never came.

I turned around in confusion and met a wall of fire as I saw the demons head fly into the air. The man who beheaded her looked at me and sighed.

"Hand her over so I can check her injuries." He said with a little pity.

I hesitated, but I knew it was the best choice, so I gave Aku to him. He felt her pulse and checked her burns.

"A broken wrist and some burns, she'll be fine." He smiled at me.

"There's another survivor." He motioned towards one of the young girls who lived in the mansion. "Now reunite!" He exclaimed.

She walked over to me and immediately started to shout and cry.


The fire guy had to break us apart, and she just ran away.

That's right... all these people who died, it's my fault, right? I was never close to them, so their death doesn't make me sad, but it's my fault, right?

"What's your name, little one?" The fire guy asked.

"Iguro Obanai... and that my little sister Akuma. How did you cut that creature? Why was there fire?" I asked.

"My name is Shinjuro Rengoku, I'll tell you everything later, for now come to my estate so we can nurse you sister." He said as he sheated his sword and walked ahead.

I ran behind him as we reached his estate. It was huge!
We walked inside, and Aku was placed in a nursing bed.

"Father... who is this!" I heard someone exclaim.

I turned around to see a boy who looked around my age and looked just like the fire guy.

Is he his son? If so, then he is the spitting image of his father.

"Kyojuro... oh! Dear your home!" A lady with red eyes and black hair said as she entered the room.
"Who are these two lovely kids?" She asked, motioning to me and Aku.

"These are some kids I rescued. The girl is a little injured. Can you tend to her wounds, pleased?" He asked.

She nodded and headed over to Aku, I walked beside her. While the man and Kyojuro left the room.

"What's your name, child?" She asked in a gentle voice as she started to treat Aku's wounds.

"Iguro Obanai, and that is my little sister Akuma." I mumbled.

"Iguro Obanai, would you like to train to become a demon slayer?" She asked.

A demon slayer must be who Shinjuro -san is.

I nodded.

"My son is about your age, and my other son is about your sisters age." She said as she finished treating her wounds.

She turned around and looked at me. "You must be hungry, I just made some ongiri, so you should have some."

I nodded and checked on Aku once more before leaving.

(Timeskip- 3 hours later)

Akuma POV

I slowly opened my eyes as the light made me close them again.

Am I dead? Is this heaven? No, I've done a lot of horrible things, I'll be in hell. No, I'm in a room, on a surprisingly soft bed.

I slowly sat up, my body was sore, and my hands were bandaged.

Nii -chan!

I slowly sat up before I heard, "Aku?!" It was Nii - chan!

He immediately ran over to me. "Aku, don't sit up so fast. you're hurt." He slowly supported me up as his eyes filled with tears.

Wait, the snake demon!

"Nii -chan. We need to get out of here! The s-snake she'll - "

He just chuckled, "Aku, she dead."

My eyes lit up, "dead?" I asked in shock.

He went on to explain to me everything that had happened. After listening, I gave him an "I told you so" look.

"What's with that look?" He asked, tilting his head.

"You did use my hairpin idea." I slyly muttered.

"We just got free from the demon, and the HAIRPIN IS ALL YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT!" He shouted.

"I have my priorities." I said, closing my eyes.

(Timeskip -a couple hours) (tw panic attacks)

I was sitting in the garden outside with Nii-chan, I started to fiddle with my bandages on my hands.

"Aku, you know you can take them off, right?" He asked.

I just nodded in response.

I watched as Shinjuro-san walked to the center of the garden.

"Flame breathing... rise of the scorching sun!" I heard him shout.

My eyes widened as I saw an arch of fire  come out of his sword.
I suddenly got flashbacks of the fire all around me. When I was in the snake demons chamber. I remembered how it burned my hands and how painfully hot it was.

My body started to shake, and my vision started to blur. I saw Nii-chan look at me with a panicked expression. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't move.

"Young lady, are you ok?" Shinjuro-san asked as he rushed towards me.

"Ge- GET AWAY!" I shouted.

Nii-chan immediately pulled me into a gentle hug and rubbed small circles on my back.

"I c- can't breathe!" I choked out.

"Shh, I know. Just focus on my breath. It will all be over soon." He whispered slowly.

After a while, my body calmed down. I wiped my tears and looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"There is no need to apologize. You couldn't control it." Shinjuro-san said. "I'll go fetch some water."

"So, you wanna talk about it?" My brother asked in concern.

I nodded.

"I just saw the fire, and I remembered the flame in the snake demon chamber. It hurt. I don't know how to explain it." I shivered as I spoke.

"Don't worry, I understand. Will you be ok?" He asked.

I nodded as Shinjuro-san came back with a cup of water. I smiled at him and took the cup.

"Hello?" I heard someone ask.

I turned around to see a boy about my brother's age. He looked just like his father.

"You must be Akuma, right? Oh! Can I call you that?" He asked. His firey eyes glowed in the sunlight.

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

You know, this may not be that bad for now.

Taisho secret

Akuma really likes to send most of her time with Ruka. Ruka also sees Akuma like her own daughter

Word count: 1170

Ghosts ( Muichiro x female oc) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα