Return to the Pridelands

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"Are you alright Alexis?" A voice asks revealing to be Rani as Alexis is outside on a hill looking at the stars.

"Oh uh yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Alexis asks nervously as Rani looks at her unconvinced.

"Come on now. I know you a little better than that. What's wrong?" Rani asks as she sits down.

"It's just.. I miss Kion." Alexis says sadly.

"You've come to care for him. Haven't you?" Rani asks.

"Yes.. I'm just wondering if I made a mistake staying. At least for my heart. My head said to stay but.." Alexis says.

"Your heart is with him?" Rani asks as Alexis nods.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"Well I'm not all that surprised. You guys act a lot a like. Besides I could tell you two cared for each other by how you act." Rani says as Alexis blushes while smiling.

"Do you think he misses me too?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I'm sure he does. Just like your heart is with him his will always be with you too." Rani says as she smiles.

"Thanks Rani.. I needed to hear this." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Anytime. Besides maybe we could go visit the Pridelands." Rani says.

"You mean that?" Alexis asks happily.

"Of course. I would like to see where my sister grew up." Rani says happily.

"I'd really love to do that." Alexis says happily.

"Come on. Let's go get some sleepy. Busy day tomorrow as usual." rani says as alexis gets up and follows her.


"That ought to do it. There all done." Alexis says as she is freeing some ducks from some vines next to a lake.

"Thanks Queen Alexis." The duck says before swimming off.

"Queen Alexis?" A voice asks as Alexis turns around and sees Kion.

"Huh? Kion? Are you really here?" Alexis asks as she looks at Kion is disbelief.

"Yeah. Oof!" Kion says as Alexis tackles him and nuzzles him happily.

"I'm so glad you're back." Alexis says happily as Kion nuzzles her before gently pushing her off.

"Me too and this time to stay." Kion says happily.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." Alexis says as she smiles happily.

"That actually brings my next question. Would you still want me as your King? I'd still like you as my Queen." Kion says as nervously.

"Do you even have to ask?" Alexis asks as she happily nuzzles Kion before he nuzzles her back.


"I'm looking forward to ruling the Tree of Life with you and my sister Kion." Alexis says as she is standing with Rani and Kion.

"We'll rule it together." Kion says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Animals of the Tree of Life. Friends from near and far. It is my honor to present King Kion." Makini says as she places a mark on Kion as the animals cheer.

"We're gonna make a great team." Kion says as Alexis smiles at him.

"We already do." Alexis says happily.

"Ready you two?" Rani asks as she smiles.

"Yes. I am." Kion says happily.

"Me too." Alexis says as she then roars alongside Kion and Rani.

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