The Kupatana Celebration

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One morning as Alexis is walking in the Outlands she spots a little jackel pup being chased by Janja an his hyenas.

"Oh don't they ever take a break?" Alexis asks in annoyance before shifting to lion form and running after Janja and his hyenas before spotting they got the pup cornered.

"Oh you jackals are so annoying! We just chased ya out of our den yesterday. And now you're back? Guess I need to make an example of ya!" Janja shouts as Alexis jumps down in front of the pup growling.

"Leave that pup alone! Are you alright young one?" Alexis asks as the pup looks at her.

"Oh not you too!" Janja says in annoyance.

"That's right. Now leave this pup be Janja!" Alexis says angrily.

"Not a chance. Wolf or no wolf we are getting that pup even if it means going through you!" Janja says as he and his hyenas get closer.

"Not today Janja!" A voice shouts as a male lion tackles Janja and growls at him.

"Hey! Hey! Easy on the fur! What're you doing in the Outlands anyway?" Janja asks as he tries to push the lion off.

"Making sure you let that pup and lioness go!" The lion shouts angrily.

"Yeah! Don't you know today's Kupatana?" A honey badger asks as he and some other animals arrive.

"Ku... Ku... Kupatana? Okay Kion. You want the jackal? He's all yours! Same with the lioness." Janja says as the lion lets him up.

"Uh okay." Kion says in confusion.

"C'mon fellas. The Lion Guard's doin' us a favor today! Merry Kupatana!" Janja shouts as and his hyenas run off.

"That was different." A bird says.

"You okay young one?" Alexis asks as she looks at the pup.

"Yes." The pup says.

"I'm glad we could help but are you okay um...?" Kion asks as he and the others look at Alexis and the pup.

"Alexis." Alexis says kindly.

"I'm Dogo. And you guys must be the Lion Guard! You're the coolest! You just looked at the hyenas and they ran away!" The pup shouts excitedly as he jumps and runs around.

"Yeah. We have that effect on no-goods." The honey badger says.

"You're safe now Dogo. But I'd stay away from Janja's territory if I were you." Kion says.

"Are you guys going back to the Pride Lands? I know I'd be safe there!" Dogo says.

"Don't you need to get back to your family Dogo?" A hippo asks.

"I'm all by myself. But I know there are lots of friendly animals in the Pride Lands! Can I please come with you?" Dogo asks as he makes a cute face.

"Well it is Kupatana. Okay Dogo. You can come. What about you Alexis? I've never seen you around before." Kion says as he looks at Alexis.

"Oh uh let's just say I live in the Outlands." Alexis says as Kion and the others except for Dogo look at her in surprise.

"You live here!? What kind of person wants to live in the Outlands?" The honey badger asks.

"Bunga!" The hippo shouts.

"But he is right. It's kind of odd for a female lion to be out here. For a lion to be out here at all." A cheetah says.

"Look I promise I'm no threat. I don't have a family anywhere near here which is why I live out here." Alexis says as she looks at the cheetah.

"Well in that case why don't you come too Alexis? Being a fellow lion I'm sure my dad won't mind you coming along." Kion says kindly.

Our Past Does Not Define Us Lion Guard Kion X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now