I'm not aunt and you guys will never lose me I promise you Alessandro said

She walks away

Parleremo in lingue diverse perché non voglio che nessuno ci senta, quindi cosa scoprite voi ragazzi? Alessandro said * We are going to speak in different languages because I don't want anybody to hear us so what do you guys find out*

Nonti piace capo e non dirlo a tua madre perché non vuoi che tua madre faccia qualcosa. khole said * You don't like it boss and don't tell your mom about it because you do not want your mom to do something *

Abbiamo scoperto che Anthony tuo padre non paga mai alcuni piccoli gangster per trovarci e rintracciarti per accident. La famiglia di Anthony vuole che tu sia molto e distraught anche la tua famiglia a causa di quello che voi ragazzi avete fatto alla sua famiglia e lo avete mandato anche in prigione Xavier said * We found out that Anthony your father never pays some small gangsters to find us and track you down to kill you. Anthony's family wants you to be dead and destroy your family too because of what you guys did to his family and sent him to jail too*

Alessandro started to get angry and punched his desk but he got hurt from moving his arm and shoulder too, he sat down. Xavier helped him

Fuck how that happens and I want you guys to find those motherfucker's hideout. Bring them to me! Alessandro said

We found them and we got our people waiting for your order, our people are watching them. What do you want to do boss? Xavier said

They are your family too boss... khole ask

Non me ne frega un cazzo che siano una famiglia, Anthony ha distrutto la vita della mia famiglia e anche quella di mamma. Ha fottutamente colpito mia madre e ha distrutto la vita delle mie due fottute sorelle Alexa e Bianca. Mi ha quasi ucciso ma mia sorella si è messa tra me e lui. Ha CAZZO SPARATO A MIA SORELLA MAGGIORE HAZEL. Uccidi i gangster ma lascia il leader e il mio "dolce" stupido cugino e porta viva la sua famiglia nel nostro magazzino. Andrò a fare una visita alla mia nonna pazza e malata. Andrò prima a far uscire la mia famiglia da New York Xavier, voglio che tu vada con loro perché non voglio che ti succeda niente, altrimenti mia sorella Bianca mi ucciderà, voi ragazzi andate via stasera. Vi darò la mia carta nera in modo che voi ragazzi siate and are a fare shopping lì. Aurelius said * I don't give a fuck they are family, Anthony destroyed my family's life and mom's too. He fucking hit my mom and destroy my two fucking sisters Alexa and Bianca's life. Almost killed me but my sister came between me and him. He FUCKING SHOOT MY BIG SISTER HAZEL. Kill the gangsters but leave the leader and my "sweet" stupid cousin and bring his family to our warehouse alive. I will go pay a visit to my crazy and sick grandmother. I will go first get my family out of New York City Xavier I want you to go with them because I don't want anything to happen to you or else my sister Bianca will kill me, you guys are leaving tonight. I will give you my black card so you guys can go shopping there.*

Someone starts to knock on the door where they at and Alessandro starts saying come in

Come in Alessandro said

Okay can anybody tell us what is going on and why Alessandro hand bleeding Robbie said

What is going on? Tay said

Uhh... Xavier said

Boss.... Khole said

I'm not going to say anything and it's nothing leave it to me Alessandro said

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