"This is the best night ever!" she exclaims, abruptly jumping up on the table.

On her way up, she trips over her own bare feet and begins to stumble off the table. I'm already on my feet, rushing to catch her. But before I reach her side, someone else has already beaten me to it, catching Alexis in their arms. I look to the source of her 'hero', seeing the one man I prayed would not be here tonight.


My fists clench when I heard Alexis giggle. I almost yank her from him when I see her relax in his arms, even snuggling closer to him. He whispers something in her ear and my jaw tightens.

"What is he doing here?" I ask angrily.

"He's the King, remember?" Felicity chuckles.

"Exactly why it's ridiculous and very irresponsible for him to be everywhere!" I growl.

"Woah, calm down, Noah," Yara says.

I keep my eyes locked on the two in case he decided to try something sketchy with his hands on her. If he did, I would surely crack if he made one inappropriate move. Cornering her in the closet for God knows how long wasn't enough for him?

"Stop being so reckless, Alexis" Yara scolds gently as she tries to take a sip from her drink when she walks over to check up on her.

Alexis sloppily lifts her body from Colton's and stands up shakily again. She giggles uncontrollably and shakes her head.

"I'm not reckless!" she says between giggles. "Can we continue the game now?" she asks them all innocently.

"Game?" I question.

"We were playing a drinking game," Felicity says. "And for the record, you need to take a shot anyway. We all took shots as soon as we got here," she adds, handing me a shot glass.

For a moment, I hesitate. But I do it anyways. I drink it in one swift motion and then set the glass down on the table with a straight face.

"Good job, Noie!" Alexis cheers for me. "Now you can get up and dance with me!" she exclaims, grabbing my hands and attempting to pull me up.

I pulled my hands away and frown at her. She pouts, falling on the table, exaggeratingly.

"But... but... but... Noie" she locks eyes with me. "Please?" she reaches over, grabbing my hands again.

"Alexandra," Colton calls firmly. "Stop it".

I glare at him and Alexis pouts and lets go of me.

"Yes, dad" she says like a little child.

Everyone laughs and I stare at her. Feeling a little offended that she listened to him. She looks away from Colton.

"I have to go to the restroom," she says with a sigh. "Too much liquid".

She stands up, stumbling a little. When she nearly trips over her own feet again, she catches herself, giggling uncontrollably. Renee stands up and grabs her arm.

"I'll go with her" she assures everyone.

"Be careful" Colton and I say simultaneously.

I clench my fists, feeling even more annoyed with the man now. Renee smiles at us, nodding her head, and then drags Alexis out of the room.

"What is your problem?!" I ask the minute they're out of sight.

Colton looks at me setting his jaw tight. I see a mischievous glint in his eyes and now I wanted to jump across the room and strangle him.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Where stories live. Discover now