Keep a Secret. *Angsty*

Start from the beginning

Laying in my big bed alone felt wrong. I am clad in on of Erics shirts and joggers but I still couldn't sleep. Even laying in his side that smelt like him didn't help. I can't remember the last time I was alone. I am usally pressed against Eric. He always pulled me close to him. I was so use to falling asleep in his chest or being the little spoon that I felt so cold right now. It is probably because I can't help get myself to move the thermostat from 68°. Eric likes it cold and he said that he'd be to warm me up. I guess I wasn't out of tears just yet.


I am woken up bu pounding on my door. Shit that must be Will. I threw off my covers and quickly changed into some black leggings and a sports bra before hiding Erics tshirts in my laundry hamper.

"I am coming." I screamed feeling the headache from last night. I shouldn't have cried so hard. I yanked opened the door with a glare. Will threw his hands up in a 'hey, don't shoot' motion.

I stepped back signaling him to come in. I was exhausted. I think it was past 2 am when I finally fell asleep now it was 3:45 am. I shut the door and walked over to my kitchen and put on some coffee. Usually I make tea but Eric is a big coffee drinker and right now it is a coffee morning.

"You okay?" He asked sitting on a chair at my table.

"Yeah. Just couldn't sleep. Nerves probably." I lie. Lying seems do natural now. I am sure him daring an Candor he'd see right through them. But if he does then he doesn't comment. Well until now.

"Did you and Eric have a fight or something?" Will asked and I stopped pouring my coffee mid pour.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." I lie again before finishing pouring the coffee into two mugs. I poured cre and sugar into mine until it was a light beige color before walking to Will with his held out.

"Come one. The whole team knows about you two. They don't call is the best intelligence team for nothing." He said aa I sat next to him. I pulled out a small pastrie that Eric brought for me yesterday and offered the box to Will.

"Well after last night I don't think there is a 'you two'." I said sadly picking at the pastry.

"Why are you two hiding?" He asked through a full mouth. I rolled my eyes and plopped a piece into my mouth.

"Eric wanted to keep it low key because he has a lot of enemies. But that was 9 months ago. So beats me why he wants to keep us a secert now." I said as I sipped my coffee. I grimace ar the bitter taste even with everything I added. Eric said I'd get use to the taste but still kept tea at his place for me. I smiled softly at the thought before it fell as I stir the coffee.

"Have you talked to him about it?" He asked picking another pastry out of the box.

"I mean I have asked to go out but he makes it all about work. When I mean go out I mean let's go dancing in the pit, go to dinner. Something. But he acts like I am the plague or something." I grumble finishing my own pastry.

"And what happened last night?" He asked drinking his coffee..

"I kind of snapped. I love him but constantly sneaking around isn't working for me. I want to sit with my boyfriend and have lunch, share a desert, go dancing. But he doesn't want any of that. And if he does then he doesn't want it with me." I said my voice cracking at the end. I blink back tears and stood.

I looked aroune my tiny apartment. I can see him everywhere. His books on his side of the bed on the night stand. He keeps some of his shoes lined against the wall by the door. His favorite hoodie hanging on the coat rack by the door. The damn coffee maker I bought specifically for him. He invades everything around my apartment. I sighed as I realized I never asked him too water my plants. We will be gone almost two weeks and they will all be dead.

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