Tell me you love me.

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I love Eric. It isn't even that simple love. It is a complex love. It is a love that consumes you. The type that if you can't live without. Now only if he would tell you that he loves you back it would be amazing. You tell him all the time but all he does is smile and kiss you. It hurts everytime. For two years he has only ever told me was 'you are my everything'.

You were finally over it. If he doesn't love you back then he should just tell you. You were laying in your shared bed watching him dress. His hard back facing you as he pulled on his jeans. You could watch him all day. His muscle flex as he brushed his hair back that was wet from his shower.

"I'll be home before dinner." Eric mumbled under his shirt as he pulled it over his head.

He walked over to you and leaned down to kiss you. You leaned up holding the blanket to your naked chest and sighed into the kiss.

"Be safe." I told him and smiled softly at him. He winked and grabbed his jacket off the bed before walking out. You closed you eyes feeling anxious on not telling him that you loved him.


You didn't mean to fall asleep but you did. Not you are late for the train. You were picking up the initiates from the choosing cermomy and bringing them to the roof top. You were running as hard as you can to catch up to the train. You saw a hand reach out and you grabbed it. You swung up on the car barley making it before it went past the Dauntless wall. You kneeled there panting when you looked up at the hand that pulled you up. It was Four. You smiled slightly and got up.

"Thanks. I slept past my alarm." I lied knowing he wouldn't dare question me.

"Not a problem." He said as he looked out the world moving past us.

The choosing cermomy was always boring. Sitting here for 2 hours watching kids slice their palms open was not my form of entertainment. I picked at my black polish on my nails when we were finally released.

"Dauntless initiates! Follow me." I yelled and took off running. I heard the slamming feet behind me and it egged me to go faster. I made it to the landing first and started the climb. Climbing without a harness always made me uncomfortable but I pushed down that fear as I watched the dauntless initiates climb around me.

I stood on the train platform and listened for the train. I could hear it before I saw it. I stretched quickly before jogging Down the platform. I pulled myself up in the small ledge holding onto the small handle and pressed the open button for the doors. All the doors slid open and all the initiates piled on. Some barley made it but they all made it. Usually one always missed it.

I didn't even get comfortable as I stood by the open door. I held onto the handles and leaned out the wind blowing wildly around my face brought me back to when i first met Eric. We were in the same initiation group. He was an Erudite and me a Candor. He hated me at first. He thought I talked back to much. Now he relishes in my constant chatter or at least he sits there while I talk but he never zones. He listens and smiles if I get really excited about something.

I see the Dauntless compound coming up. I catch a glimpse of Eric and I get immediate butterflies. I bit my lip to hide my smile and turned towards the group.

"Get ready." Was all I said before taking a running start and jumping from the train. I tucked my body right before I hit the ground so I would roll instead of tumble. Eric was there immediately to help me up. He didn't release my hand after helping instead he lead me over to where he always did his little 'pep talk' to the initiates. I looked down at our intertwined hands and felt joy. The hurt I feel over him not saying I love you went away for a split second. I heard the grunts and yelps of the initiates as the fumble around in the ground.

Eric Coulter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now