Never touch her.

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Today has been shitty. Eric was grumpy this morning which caused a fight and we have the stupid Erudite ball tonight. Max wants us to go as representatives of Dauntless and since Eric transfered from Erudite he figured he has a foot in to get important information.

I was walking back to our shared apartment when I heard my name being called. I turned and was face with Tori jogging towards me.

"Hey hon. Eric asked me to help you get ready for some bullshit event?" she asked while showing a long dress bag and a makeup bag.

"Yeah Max is sending us to Erudite for one of their stupid balls. What is in the bag?" I asked letting her into our apartment.

It was bigger than my first one since Eric is a leader. It had a big living room/ dining room combo with a big kitchen to the left. We had a big leather sofa that had two wooden table stands by it. On my side there was my tea from this morning and my tablet while on Erics there was a stack of books he was reading and his spilt coffee that he never picked up after I walked out.

"Your dress. Eric had me pick it up from Christana this morning." She said as I walked over to the kitchen and set a washclothe.

"I didn't have her make me one though." I said and walked towards the sofa. "You can place it on the couch."

I walked over and wiped the coffee up and grabbed the mugs. My drink was long cold and it made me upset. It was the last of that tea until they get the next shipment in. I sighed and threw the mugs into the sink. They broke and I moan. I just left them there broken on the sink. Eric can deal with them. He caused the fight in the first place.

"You good?" Tori asked as she watched me pull a chair from our small dining table over to her.

"Yeah me and Eric just got into a arguement earlier and I wasted the last of my favorite tea because of it." I sighed sitting in front of her as she opened her makeup bag.

"You want to talk about it?" She asked pulling out some makeup. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Well, he got home late and he is always grouchy when he does not get enough sleep. and I tried to get up early without waking him but he is such a light sleeper that me even making tea woke him up. I didn't even let he kettle squeal. But he came out cussing about how tired he was and that he didn't realize me moving in was such a disappointment. But HE asked me to move in. we have only lived together 4 months and he already wants me to leave. I got upset and told him that I would be gone before he came home. And lets just say he didn't like that. After about an hour of him yelling I just left. I literaly had to go to Tris for clothes for the work day. I left in my fucking slippers. He hasn't spoken to me all day. I only came back to get my stuff for the night. I was going to get ready in my office." I said as she started my makeup.

"From what I understand Eric's parents are the ones throwing the party. I have only heard rumors of how awful they were. I mean from what I understand they use to tell him that he was a waste of space and that they didn't want him." Tori said like she was dishing out some hot gossip.

"Trust me. Those rumors are nothing of what actually happened. Eric did not turn out so fucked up but having loving parents like us." I whispered.

"How about we make you look hot because left me tell you that dress is sexy." Tori suggested. I smiled.

"You know better than anyone. Make me hot." I laughed.


I was standing in front of my door length mirror with Tori behind me when Eric came in.  He stopped in his tracks. He was wearing black Slacks with a dark red button up and a black bow tire. He looked goregous like always but he was mouthwatering good looking.

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