I again saw the expression on aizawas face, it was obvious that izuku was getting angrier by the second. And i wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to antagonise him.

Aizawa-that isn't what i'm-

Bakugou-please just go, i-izuku is right. I'm not in my right mind to be discussing things like this.

He looked at me worried again, and the person from the car appeared behind him.

??-now now izuku, don't you remember what i told you?


Bakugou-who are you?

Aizawa-this was midoriya's counsellor your old school required him to speak to after the incident. I was hoping-



Bakugou-i told you to leave! I don't want him anywhere izuku, and i'm sick of you trying to put ideas in my head

He looked at me again but i was done. Izuku had told me about his experience with his counsellor and it wasn't pleasant for him, so that guy being here would mean he would get much more agitated. And i didn't want to be on the side of that again. I shut the door and winced as i moved my hand in izukus grip accidentally.

Bakugou-i-izuku please l-let go

He released me and turned me around, hugging me tightly. I heard him take a deep breathe and i knew he was trying to calm himself down. That was good for me.

Bakugou-i-i'm sorry, i d-didn't mean t-to make him come back-

He pulled me back and kissed me, silencing me at the same time. He stopped after a few seconds and when i looked at him he was smiling again.

Deku-i knew you loved me still


Deku-you protected me, thank you kacchan

He smiled at me lovingly and i teared up, his loving look turning to a concerned one.

Deku-wait what's wrong?

Bakugou-i-it's nothing

I smiled and kissed him again. This was my izuku. I finally had him back. I guess after taking out his anger on kaminari he was ok again. I hugged him but flinched when i tried to move my wrist.


I let go of him and pulled my arm back, looking at my wrist. It was bleeding slightly and didn't look good. It also hurt everytime i moved it. Izuku gently took it, running his fingers over the nail marks he'd left.

Deku-...sorry sweetheart, i just...

Bakugou-i know, i-it's ok

Deku-...come on, i'll help you bandage it up

He helped me wrap it up and then we continued our day. Everything was great, besides the body decomposing in my basement, but i'd finally figured out how izuku's anger works. And I think he finally trusts me fully again. I felt like i knew him better now too, he was worse than i'd ever even thought before, but he never stopped loving me. And i think that was enough. I went to bed that night and finally slept peacefully in izukus arms, no longer afraid of him for the time being. But in the middle of the night izuku woke me up randomly. And for the next month I was about to go through one of the worst experiences of my life.


Alright! Finally done 🤣. This one isn't that long and doesn't have anything really good in it cause that's coming up (hopefully)👍. The next few however many chapters i make are going to be a bit different but i wanted this story to be about as long as my insane love, if not longer, as well as write something with more gore because i wanted to🤷‍♀️, so bare with me because i got a bit side tracked! Any how i hope you enjoyed this chapter i'll upload the next one soon! 

( ゚д゚)つ Byeヾ(•ω•')o

Edit- i keep pressing the wrong fucking buttons this wasn't supposed to come out this soon but i may as well now 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️. Also, as i stated there will be quite a few more chapters to come out in this book in the near future and they'll be coming out more regularly. I write these a couple of chapters in advance to i can edit old ones to match up if i dislike them or if they're not turning out the way i want, it's just a lot easier this way. Because if this i'm close to finishing the book completely and am just thinking of the perfect ending for our toxic couple! Once i've found it and written it chapters will be coming out pratically every other day. thank you so much for the support thus far and i hope you enjoy the rest.

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