after, i roll over and he cuddles up behind me grabbing me and pulling me closer.

20 minutes later

' morning guys , busy day ahead hope yous had a great sleep me and georg are going to wake up gustav and remember tom we are going to that photo shoot today . oh and also can yous be quiet next time!' bill laughs whilst closing the door.

' tom we had 20 minutes of sleep , how are you going to make it through the day' i chuckle.
' how are you ?' he laughs back.
' wait what?!?'

he gets some comfy clothes on so do i and we all get in the car . it was a thirty minute drive there so i got on toms lap and fell asleep. when we got there we went into a room with a few racks of clothes and some make up artists for bill since the guys said ' they dont need that shit'. all the boys got into there clothes.
bill had a black baggy shirt and some tight jeans and the boys were just in baggy black clothes. the manager of the shoot came in .
' hey guys so when yous are rea.. who is this ?'
' this is summer my girlfriend is it okay that she is here?'
' yes.. yes of course . she is beautiful.'
he grabs a black crop top with a rhinestone skull on the front and some tight low rise jeans .
' get into this and get them women to do your makeup exactly like bills and fluff up your hair. be ready in ten.'
'omg omg omg !!'
' yes summer !! we are going to look so hot' bill screamed.
i got ready and we all looked so good .
we got into the room it was all  just white and they started posing , they did a few with just them then they started posing me. for one they got me on georgs back , they also get them all to carry me as i lay across them looking up at the camera. my favourite one was when it was just me and tom , i was sitting in between his legs whilst he had one of his hands on my waist and the other on my boob.
when is was done they posted the photos straight away and it went viral . i posted the photo of me and tom and i instantly got hundreds of thousands likes and followers! some people found out where the shoot was and came outside and the guys took some photos with them till i little girl came up to me and asked me to get in the photo . i couldnt say no to her little chubby cheeks and big smile. i got in the back making a funny face and doing bunny ears to bill . we get in the car back so they could get ready for an interview. me and georg laugh as the little girls mum posted the photo saying ' my baby loves bunny bill 😆!' . i hear my phone buzz its from lilly..


hey summer , i am really sorry
for the way i went on . i am so
self absorbed and i am really sorry
your my best friend and i should listen
to what is happening with you and
your life . and it is only cos i
didnt want you to forget about me
so i tried to joke about it instead of
getting upset. if you dont want to
speak to me for a while thats fine
just remember i love you and will
always be here !

she is right i dont want to speak to her for a while .

they got back and changed and me and gustav went down to get our food .
' you know how i was telling you about lilly she said sorry but i dont know if i can forgive her . she practically talked bad about you guys and i dont like it when people talk bad about yous. you guys have help me through so much shit so when people talk shit about yous it make me so mad.'
' summer , we all love you so much , but there with always be people not liking us and there always will be . we just ignore it and you need to ignore it too' gustav hugged me tight .
we got the food and took it in bills room .
' yesss i am starving!!' georg rubbed his hands.
we ate then it was time to go to the interview. i am so tired and so is tom . on the way to the interview we fell asleep again and bill had to wake us up . tom and i had to get our make up done since we both looked very dead .
' you look very awake hedgehog' i giggle .
' wish i could say the same thing SJ' he chuckles.

'hello welcome back to channel17 interviews and today's guests are tokio hotel !'
we all walk on stage , me and tom holding hands .
there is 5 seats and me and tom sit the furthest away from the cameras so they cant see how tired we are .

' so guys , and girl' the tv host laughs and we all fake laugh back ' we are all wondering is summer apart of the band now?'

bill: ' yes she is a singer and will be sing some songs with us and will be on the tour with us'

' so we will be seeing you singing for the first time tomorrow night?'

me: ' yes and i hope all you fans out there like the tour!'

the host asked the boys a few questions each till it come to tom and we both know what there going to be about.

' so tom are you and summer dating ?'

tom: ' yes we are , we have been dating for a while but wanted to keep it private at the start but since our recent photoshoot i guess it would be hard to keep it a secret!'

' well there has been some speculation that summer was dating gustav since the paparazzi caught these photos only earlier on this day'

gustav: ' erm no, me and summer are only friends  , why cant friends hug ?

' you seem abit defensive are you sure there is nothing going on because it seems like there i..'

me: ' there isnt any thing going on. if i was hugging a girl it would be different it is just because he is a boy . why do people think that a girl cant be friends with a boy unless they are doing something else ? this is weird and i dont feel comfortable.'


bill gets up and grabs my hand and pulls me off the stage . tom follows us as georg and gustav say that the interview was over and that the question was rude and unnecessary.

' i am sorry summer , i didnt know that the paparazzi took a photo of us..'

' it is fine gustav. you were being a good friend and giving me advice to make me feel better and you did . thank you gus' he smiles as i walk away and up to tom.
' why did they say that to you . it is a FUCKING joke man. i hate paparazzi they are all freaks and bullshitters !'
' tommy it is okay , i dont really care and neither should you . we know their storys arent real so why should we care ? like who would believe i had something going on with little gus gus' we both laugh . we get back to hotel and order some food . as we are waiting for it we start talking about my birthday and how it is only a week away!

' so are you excited then your going to be 17!' bill squeals .
' yes i am sooo excited!!'
' well guess what gorgeous, we have a surprise for you but i guess your going to have to wait !!' tom smiled.
' OMG TELL MEE!!?!??'

hope yous liked this it was abit boring but it is because the next chapter is the first concert. they is going to be fun and bad parts so wait for the next one , as always love you guyss !! xx

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