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my alarm goes off . it is 5:30 and i have an hour before i need to go over to their house to go to the airport. i go in the shower and then blow dry and straighten my hair . i do a full face of makeup and a brown and black smoky eye. i put toms top and oversized hoodie on and also some leggings on . i pull both of my suitcases down the stairs and get my shoes on .
' bye mum , i love you so much and i will miss you !'
' i will miss you more summer , remember to ring me and dad EVERYDAY okayy ?'
' of course mum bye i have to go or i will be late'
i grab my purse and passport. i give my mum a big hug and walk over to number 9.
i knock on the door and mum answers.
' hey mum ! i cant wait is everyone ready yet ?'
' hey summy, i missed you , i feel like i havent saw you in ages even though it was only 5 days' we both start laughing ' bill is ready but tom is still asleep of course so please wake him up because he only wakes up to ' SJJJ' so get lazy bones up'
' okay mum i will !'
i pull my cases in and hug mum before walking into toms room . he looks so cute when he is sleeping . i could watch him sleep like a little baby all day but we are going to miss the flight if we dont go now ! i sit next to him and stroke his face .
' cmon hedgehog, we need to go to the airport nowww'
' oh morning gorgeous , okay okay i will only cos its you' i kiss him before walking into bills room .
' hey bill , you all readyy'
' SUMMERRRR , yes yes yes i am and i cant wait is tom awake yet?!?' he rolls his eyes whilst saying .
' yes i got him up he is getting ready now dont worry girl'
' well go see he hasnt fell back asleep cos we aint missing this plane . georg and gustav are already on their way there !'
' okay okay calm you knickers i will'
i walk back into toms room and see him talking his top of to change it , all i can do it look him up and down.
' stop staring you little creep' he smirks.
' i was just staring in disgust' i say whilst smiling and rolling my eyes . i walk up to him as he is picking out his top .
'ooooo i wanna wear this one tommy' i take of the hoodie and chuck it on his bed as well as my shirt. bill walks in and sits on his bed .
' what is going on here love birds'
' i am switching tops i want this one now' i laugh as a turn around with it in my hand .
' i dont know how you feel comfortable standing in you bra infront of my brother'
' because unlike you hedgehog he isnt a horny little shit?' i laugh and so does bill. i put on his top and sit next to bill whilst chucking the hoodie on the floor .
' you can have that back as well'
' well your gonna be freezing baby so please put it on' i roll my eyes at tom .
' well no i wont tom, and if i get cold i have you to cuddle me and hurry up' i say. tom and bill bring the suitcase down the stairs .
' what about your equipment?'
' our manager is getting them later , so we dont need to worry about that .' bills says to me.
we all say our goodbyes to mum and get in the car .
' wait guys who am i sitting next too on the plane?'
' any one of us it is a private one stupid , we all know you want it to be your precious little tommy' bill says in his baby voice.
' of course she would' tom argues to bills statement .
we get at the airport and some lovely lady gets our bags as we meet georg and gustav .
' my favourite boysss' i say walking up to them smiling . i give them both hugs and kisses on the cheek .
' ughh my legs really hurt can we stop for a sec'
' summer just get on my back we need to be on the plane in 5 minutes' gustav offers.
' omg thanks gus' i get on his back and he carries me effortlessly.
' not to be rude SJ but i never knew you where this light i would be able to carry you for days !'
gustav says as he spins around with you still on his back .

we get on the plane . it is so big and luxurious. there is reclining seats and mini fridges filled with booze and other drinks.
' wouldnt think they would give alcohol to under age kids but i will take this .' i say grabbing a bottle of vodka and a glass. the plane takes off
and we start drinking and dancing . after we have a mini party we are almost there , we werent going to get drunk because there was going to be paparazzi at the airport, well thats what there manager said before we left . we sat down together all out of breath from dancing , ' so what are we doing after we get of the plane since no one was gonna inform me what happens at this type of stuff' i say in confusion.
' so gorgeous, we will get out bags and their will be a limo waiting for us outside . dont worry there will be security so the paparazzi cant do amything, but summer after this thousands of people will know who you are, any way we will go to the hotel drop our bags off then go practice them go back to the hotel . pretty chill in my opinion but tomorrow is going to be busy we have photo shoots and interviews.'
' that is alot baby , i dont care if people know who i am and i dont care what they say, any way there just a bunch of perverted people that have no other way to spend their lives except from following people around that have better lives then them .'
' that is a good way to think about it SJ' georg says .
we arrived at our first destination. we get off the plane and get our luggage which gets instantly took of us and carried out side into the limo . as they open the doors to put the bags in the boot of the car i hear screaming and the snapping of cameras. i get abit scared now that i actually need to go out there .
' you okay baby ?'
' i dont know' i say to tom shakily.
' its okay , you will be okay i promise.'
' swear on my life hedgehog!!' i say laughing
' i swear on your life gorgeous' he says calmly as he grabs my hand . bill and the boys walk out before us and get straight into the limo and keeps the doors open for us . i take a deep breath in and start walking still holding toms hand . as i walk out side all i hear is
i ignore them but on guy put his camera in my face and says
tom lets go of my hand and grabs with camera and smashes it into a million pieces before grabbing my hand and getting into the car .
' thanks you tom, love you' i say before kissing him gently on the cheek.
' i swore remember?' i nod my head and before i knew it we were at the hotel.
' omg this is so fancy have you guys been here before?'
' yeah summer on our last tour we stayed here it has good food and pools plus hot tubs' gustav says with a smile. ' yup it is very good SJ it will do me more than enough, for the week' georg adds.
' for the week?'
' yes summer we will be going to a different country next week stupid bitch' bill giggles.
i jump up and down in excitement. our bags get taken to our rooms. the boys get their own rooms and me and tom are sharing . me and tom starts unpacking our stuff and hanging it up .
' half of that is mine' tom smiles ' could say the same thing' i giggle as a throw a bra in his side of the wardrobe and point at it .
' i actually have a gift for you gorgeous since it is the first month of you being my girl' he covers my eyes with one of his bandannas and puts something in my hands . i take it of my eyes and looks down at a open red box . it is a gold necklace in the shape of a heart .
' open it baby' i open it and inside is a photo of us in the ocean kissing .
' i love it so much tommy , thank youu' i jump on him and start kissing his face all over.
' stop stop STOPPPP your killing me with' he says as i am still kissing him.
' help me put it on hedgehog, pleaseee'
' mum help me pick it out so it was a joint effort i guess'
' well i love it' i say to tom with the biggest smile on my face. we got interrupted by the boys as they barged into our room. i show them my new favourite necklace and they tell us it is time to go to practice. i love listening to them play and sometimes they even let me sing with bill! i love singing but never had the courage or confidence to sing infront of any one but them.

we get to the studio and they start setting up.
i hear my phone ringing so i get a pack of cigarettes and my phone and go outside .
its LILLY !

me and lilly normally ring twice since i moved over here but she hasnt been answering my calls as much any more and i miss her .
' miss you so much summer'
' miss you more lilly!'
' i was on just watching the tv right then i hear my phone start pinging. everyone and i mean EVERYONE knows your hanging out with the famous band TOKIO HOTEL!'
' yeah so i have know them since day one of living in germany lilly'
' why did you never tell me summer your gonna be so famous now i heard they invited you on tour with them and you literally in a different country right now but that must be bullshit'
' i am on tour with them and cos your always going on about your life you never ask me about mine and whats going on with my life?'
' calm down summer just cos there's been alot going on back home , so who did you have to sleep with to get there ey?!?' she laughs and i hang up the phone. my childhood best friend thinks i am using them ? she knows i am not like that does she think i have changed or is she the one that has changed? i sit down on the pavement and pull out a cigarette and light it . i hear a camera click and i look over at the bush . it is the man from the airport, i seriously couldnt care less and just sit there watching him and he trys to blend in with the big bush . i stomp out my cigarette after i finish it and walk over the the moving bush .
' just come out i can see you idiot' he comes out and it starts taking photos of me again.
i chuck his camera on the floor and kick him in the balls
' ever take a photo of me again and you will have no balls got it ?'
' i got it , i got it lady jesus'
i turn around and see tom standing there laughing at the man crying on the floor . they are all watching me as we walk back in the room .
' what? why are yous all staring at me like that?'
' summer your my best friend and your a really great singer and we think that the next time we have a show we should try you being my back up singer, would you like that ?' bill says nicely to me.

this is a really long chapter only because i have posted one in a few days i hope yous like it and there will be some drama next chapter so hope your ready ! there is going to be more gustav next chapter and as always sorry for the some spelling mistakes if there is some .
love you guys byee x

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