▷| 5x2 - Tina In The Sky With Diamonds

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A/n: Suggestive writing of sexual content towards the end of the chapter.

[ ❝ who keeps a suit ❞ ]

[ ❝ who keeps a suit ❞ ]

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"Come on guys, we're back with the Beatles." Mr Schue started the meeting after coming out of his office. "We're leaving the mop-tops behind and moving into their experimental years."

There was an exciting buzz floating around the school today as the prom nominations were being announced. I had received a few happy looks and nudges from people in my classes and some from people I had no idea existed.

"Now, the Rubber Soul album marked a turning point with the group where they literally and figuratively let their hair down and the Beatles were the biggest musical act in the world. They could've remained in their comfort zones, but instead they risked everything to explore new musical worlds. They had something important to say and they weren't gonna let something silly like the fear of failure get in their way." Mr Schue informed us.

"Good afternoon, McKinley High." Coach Sue's voice rang from the intercom. "This year all the proms are being fused into one giant brundle-prom."

"What's a brundle-prom?" Marley said.

"I don't get that reference." Jake commented.

"That's from The Fly." Ryder told him.

Sue continued, "Now for the moment that will crush 99 percent of your misguided views about your own popularity, here are your nominees for prom king and queen. First, here are nominations for for prom king. Blaine Anderson, Claudine Smythe, Artie Abrams, and stoner Brett Bukowski." Everyone in the room clapped for both me, Artie and Blaine. Tina started to hug the side of my arm.

"Wait, I really didn't get nominated for King?" Sam asked, looking around the room.

"On to the queens, Kitty Wilde." Sue went on.

"But I'm sophomore?" Kitty wondered, as we clapped for her.

"Amy Ryan, Jordan Stern, and, inexplicitly, Tina Cohen Chang." Sue finished. "Congratulations, six of you will be disappointed."

"Yes!" Tina shot up from her seat as cheered for her. She went to the front of the room and started to do a little celebratory dance.

She stopped to say something, "Oh, sorry Claude, I'm going to have to cancel our dress shopping plans so I can go with the wallflowers and lock in their votes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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