▷| 5x1 - Love, Love, Love

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[ ❝ she wasn't Asian enough or something ❞ ]

[ ❝ she wasn't Asian enough or something ❞ ]

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We all watched intensely as Mr Schue started to write the theme for this week on the whiteboard. He had given use the clues of 'oldie' and 'band'. Me and Blaine had both locked in our guesses for Abba but it didn't look clear now.

As he finished writing the word, 'Beatles' we all rejoiced.

"I don't think we've ever spent two weeks on an assignment, Mr Schue." Tina remarked.

"The Beatles are so epic that we need two weeks to do them justice. This week is all about the early years of the Beatles when all they had was a belief in each other and a belief that together they could do anything." Mr Schue told her. So three week Abba assignment, when?

"Ugh. The school year seems like it's never ending, and now we're wasting two whole weeks on a band from the 1940's." Kitty expressed. "Seriously, Can still anyone even relate to the Beatles?" No one could be more wrong than what had just left Kitty's mouth.

"Pretty much, the entire world." Blaine argued.

Ryder confirmed, "Yeah, I can still relate."

"Why? Were the Beatles dyslexic or catfished by transgenders?" Kitty teased. Good to see someone was back.

"And you wonder why everyone hates you." Tina commented. I squeezed her hand. We had made a deal to not try and talk shit about in the room with use.

Ever since that night after regionals, everything felt amazing. We were opening up to each other more. We've had a few instantizes of sex after it.

But there was also a downside. Ever since that night, Tina had turned, like, kind of bitter. I'm not trying to be rude, but everyone's been noticing it as well. She's been bossy in our relationship lately, like talking about how we should be going on more dates considering how close graduation is. It's just all weird and hazy. 

"When George Harrison was a kid, he was made fun of 'cause his dad was a bus driver." Marley tried to prove a point.

"John Lennon's dad wasn't even around. He walked out of John's life when he was five." Jake supported her. I twisted around to give him a fist bump.

"I don't really know the Beatles." Unique informed us. "I'm a little on the black side."

"And Ringo Starr was a sickly little kid which probably means he was sitting down a lot." Artie accepted the rabbit hole he had just gotten himself into.

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