Chapter 8

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Arsenal Changing Rooms..: General Pov

"MCCABE." Jonas' voice echoes amongst the empty silence of the changing room. "WHST DID I SAY ABOUT GETTING INTO FIGHTS. HUH?" Katie looks away, turning a mix of pink, red and purple, until she gives up and looks him dead on in the eye once more. "I didn't even get carded for it. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it." Her gaffers face turns from anger, to disappointment, to shock. Should have toned it down on the sass, she thought. Her teammates each took short glances every couple seconds, wanting to watch at the drama without getting themselves into trouble aswell. "YOU KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NOW?" Katie's eyebrows raised inquisitively. "Y/L/N IS GOING TO BE PLAYING." He pauses and rubs his brow. "Did that not run through your head, Katie? You take out their striker, and they replace it with another striker."
"So? Take me off then." Katie looks fuming now every sound, making her head swivel round to where it came from. "Goddamit. You know full well I don't have anyone to replace you with." Jonas stops and looks at her, his eyes almost begging. "For God's sake, McCabe. Please keep it civil, at least till you're off the pitch." She nods, and with that, she turns on her heels and marches out to "get some water. "

Meanwhile.. Readers' Pov.

There's a scurry of feet as players, managers, and doctors discuss the situation on the fallen striker.
"Vas a tener que poner a alguien más. Lo siento, pero es posible que se haya torcido la rodilla". (You're going to have to put someone else on. I'm sorry, but she might have pulled her knee.) The whole team can hear the conversation despite their whispering.
"Bien. Y/n Estás pasando. Ponte la camisa y haz un par de estiramientos." (Right. Y/n, you're going on. Put on your shirt and do a couple of stretches.) I look up at where my coach is sat. "Espera de verdad?" (Wait, really?)
"Si ahora date, prisa." (Yes, now hurry up.)
Im quick to get back on my feet and begin a couple of stretches. Working specifically on my biceps and hamstrings, I've got to stay strong if I'm gonna beat McCabe up..
"¡Vamos chicas, vamos!" (Come on girls, come on!) There is a rush of boots scraping on the cold floor as everyone gathers their things and head towards the door. Let the second half.. begin.

(Im sorry this one is super short. I've been busy!! There's been a chanhe if plan, I should be able to upload next week, but not as often. You guys really seem to hate commenting.. please offer your ideas or any other footballers you want a book about!!)

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