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After few days

At isha's home

Isha is in her room checking her new messages. She opened them and saw some random guy sent her photos which are edited as naked. Then the guy called Isha and said that he wants to meet her if she doesn't come then he will post them on internet.

Isha started crying alot and she don't know what to do now. Then Isha's dad came and knocked on the door but Isha didn't open. He kept on knocking the door then Isha rubbed her eyes and acted normal and then opened the door.

Her dad came inside her room and asked is everything ok and she said everything is ok. Then the guy kept on sending Isha her photos. Because of the notifications sound coming back to back her dad opened the phone and saw all the photos.

Her dad "Isha what are all this?". "Dad that's". He slapped Isha harshly and said "what are trying to do? I never thought you would do these things? College life completely changed you and what are those photos. Are you trying to put our family down. Who will marry you if they see these photos. Don't come out of the room".

He then locked Isha in her room and told her that stop talking to them. Then isha's mother called harsha and dhruv and told them everything happened.

Dhruv "who is that guy doing all these?". "There is this one of our friend in college where she faced this too. That guy sent her photos and blackmailed her, so why don't we ask her".

Harsha called his friend and asked her about the guy who sent photos.

They found where he lives so dhruv and harsha went there. The door is closed, dhruv broke the door and went in and they saw that guy editing naked photos. Harsha thought to hit him directly but dhruv stopped him and took photos of that guy while editing the photos. Harsha "why are you taking photos?". "So that we can give to police as evidence" said dhruv.

Then dhruv took a rod and hit that guy from behind. Harsha then caught Rahul (editing guy) and started hitting him continously. Dhruv "harsha wait" tried to stop him. "Don't stop me I will see this guy end today" said harsha while hitting Rahul. "I am stopping you because then I get a chance to hit him too". "Why don't we both share him while having Saud harsha. Then both of them started hitting rahul.

Dhruv "don't you have common sense of editing those pictures and sending them to girls to blackmail them. What kind of eligibility do you have to do this kind of stuff. And I heard that this isn't your first time doing this. You know who you black mailed today, my friend isha wait she is not my friend she is my family. You edited them and act like you don't know anything and let those girls suffer, shame on you idiot".

Harsha "remember one thing Rahul nobody ever lived happily to came on to women and girls on wrong way. You let my friend suffer today and tomorrow you let many people suffer because of these photos which is not gonna happen because we just called police here and let them decide what to do with you".

Rahul "please leave me please don't call police please I am begging you please".
Dhruv "there is no please after making mistake rahul. We can sort this out without police but you made a lot of girls suffer and a lot families suffer who lived with pride, that's why we are leaving you to the police".

Then the police came and they took Rahul to the station. Before taking him dhruv stopped Rahul and said "don't ever try to do these things again".

After they returned to isha's home

Isha's father "why did you guys come here? Did you see those photos too? Did you come here to drag our family onto road" he shouted.

Dhruv "uncle please calm down. Ok tell me one thing first, do you believe your daughter?". " yes I do believe her".
"But why did you react like that. You should conclose her you should have calm down her first but what you did, locked her in the room? Why?".

Harsha "remember one thing uncle your daughter is good she never commit these sort off mistakes. And those edited photos are not her fault".

Dhruv "we found the guy and gave him left and right and told the cops about him, now they will take care of him. Aunty open the door and tell Isha to come out".

Isha's mom opened the door and she came out.

Dhruv "she will stay with us tonight that will be a little change over to her and trust us uncle we are far way better than you while reacting about her life and sorry if you find that I spoke rude".

They reached home
And three of them sat down

Isha was so calm she didn't utter any word so dhruv and harsha thought to change her mood.
Harsha "are you hungry Isha?". "No I am not". "Now you will be, because me and harsha gonna cook for you today" said dhruv.

Both harsha and dhruv went into the kitchen and cooked isha's favourite pasta. She had it and really loved the taste.

Then Isha felt so emotional and hugged both harsha and dhruv by saying "thank you guys". Dhruv "don't cry Isha we are there for you. Your problem is our problem". Harsha "Isha you know how dhruv hit that rahul" he stood and showed actions.

Harsha made Isha laugh alot. While these three friends are busy in laughing they heard a voice "Am I interputing your laugh". They turned towards side and saw sameera.

She came and hugged Isha by saying " you really have the best friends".
"How come you know about this?" questioned harsha.
Sameera "dhruv called me".

Four of them had chat for a while and sameera started to leave. She waved bye to all of them and came out.

Dhruv followed her and said "thank you for coming and talking with Isha". "It's ok" said sameera. "Isha is pretty much down with the incident. Today really was a tough day to her" saying this dhruv felt emotional.

Sameera gave dhruv a tight hug and said "you really did a great job today". She smiled at him and left.
Dhruv jumped in joy that sameera hugged him.

To be continued

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