Chapter 14: Embers

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"Now then, let's chat."

The two men glared daggers at each other with a thirst for vengeance.

"I'll make a simple deal with you, Black Leg," Amore said, not breaking eye contact. "I'll let you go. No Marines, no chase. It'll be just like you were never here. In return for your freedom, you leave me my treasure." Bianca winced at the pain of the hard metal of Amore's pistol pressed against her face.

"And what if I say 'hell no'?" Sanji plainly asked.

"Well if you do that, obviously I blow everyone's brains out."

Sanji stared menacingly at the King, still not wavering.

"I think it's an easy choice, what do you say?"

Lacy and Bianca both looked toward Sanji with terror. Sanji finally said, "Yeah, I agree that seems like a simple and obvious deal."

"I'm happy to hear it, Black Leg." With Bianca still in his clutches, Amore then pointed the pistol now aiming it right at Sanji's head. "Now, turn your ass around and get the hell out of my club."

"Woah woah, that's not the choice I made." Sanji waved his hands in front of him apologetically and then casually placed them back in his pockets. "I thought you understood this was obvious. No way I'm leaving without these ladies. You're out of your mind if you think I would leave them here with a shitty bastard like you."

"When he is faced with tough situations, he really can keep his cool..." Y/n thought in amazement. "How is he so calm with a gun pointed at him?" Y/n then remembered how Sanji talked to her about his adventures at sea. This man has faced countless dangers and has even come close to death. "My crew and I have faced many dangers together; battled many strong foes, and faced the harshest weather... there have been times when we've almost died. But, my crew though is the best there is, and I'm proud to be a part of it." This is what a strong pirate looked like. This is what y/n aspired to be, and she was watching it firsthand. 

"Bastard Strawhat..." Amore growled through his teeth. "I'm not letting you out of here alive!!" An ear-blasting pop of Amore's pistol went off. And then another, and then another...

"Sanji!!" Y/n cried.

With each bullet, a blur of black dodged each shot that was fired. Screams could be heard outside the curtains in fear of the booming sounds of bullets cracking through the atmosphere.

"Piece of shit!" Amore yelled at the agile cook, not able to land one shot.

"Ditto," Sanji said, appearing behind Amore. Before King could utter another insult, Sanji slammed a leg into his ribs, sending him flying from backstage, through the curtains, and into the club. Bones were broken as he crashed into the tables below. He groaned in incredible pain and anger. Y/n yelled for Bianca as she scuttled to her aid, while pirate Sanji leaped from the stage and landed on top of the evil man, once again placing a forceful foot on Amore's bruised and vulnerable neck. People ran around in a frenzy at the chaos. "Well, this seems familiar," Sanji said condescendingly.

"S-screw you, pirate." Amore grabbed Sanji's foot and pushed with all his might to release himself but to no avail. "You think you can just come into my establishment, take away my dancers, and then make off leaving a mess of everything?!"

"Yeah, I guess I do." Sanji pressed his foot harder into Amore's neck, making him audibly choke. "But at the same time, you think you can steal and lock up helpless women, exploit them for your own wealth, and then feed me the blandest steak I've ever had? It's terrifying to think what these beautiful women have been forced to eat. Unforgivable."

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