chapter 1

182 4 12

No pov:

Marcia has always dreamed of going to Madrid, Spain to see the beautiful architecture and experience the unique culture. However, her father, who is a strict traditionalist, believes that traveling is a waste of time and wants Marcia to focus on her studies.
Despite her father's objections, Marcia is determined to make her dream a reality. She Saw that one football player who is almost her age , she has been a fan to him since he joined Madrid and he was Brazilian player just like her father and that made her like him more. She falls in love with him and becomes even more determined to go to Madrid to meet him in person.Marcia devises a plan to convince her father to go to Madrid.

Marcia nervously approached her father, Neymar Jr., the wealthy football player, in his luxurious penthouse apartment. She knew that it would be difficult to convince him to let her go to Madrid, Spain alone, but she was determined to make it happen.

"Dad, I really want to go to Madrid to learn Spanish and experience the culture," she began, fidgeting with her fingers

Neymar Jr. looked up from his phone, surprised at his daughter's sudden request. Knowing his daughter's love for traveling, he asked, "Why Madrid, Marcia?"

Marcia took a deep breath before replying, "Well, Madrid is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain, with its majestic architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture. I am also interested in learning Spanish, which is the native language of Spain."

Well she was obviously lying because she knows how to talk Spanish since she talks it with her dad friends and all, she obviously wanted to see her favorite football team real Madrid play, Her favorite was Personally Vinícius Jr for no reason she just liked him

The continue of the convo with her father (hot father):
Neymar Jr. listened intently to his daughter's explanation, nodding hesitantly. "I understand your desire to travel and explore new things, Marcia. But as you know, I worry about your safety. Don't you think it's too risky for you to travel alone to another country?"
Marcia shook her head, determined not to let her dream slip

Dad, I also want to attend the Real Madrid vs Atlântico Madrid  match while I'm in Madrid. It would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I'm sure it would be an incredible game," said Marcia with a pleading look in her eyes

Neymar Jr. raised his eyebrows in surprise, "So, it's not just about learning Spanish and experiencing the culture? You want to attend a football match too?"

Marcia nodded, hoping her dad would see how much it meant to her. "Yes, it's always been a dream of mine
to watch a Real Madrid match in their home stadium, Santiago Bernabeu. It's one of the most iconic stadiums in the world, and I would be so grateful if you let me go."
Neymar Jr. looked at his daughter thoughtfully, knowing how much football meant to her. After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke, "Okay, Marcia. I will let you go to Madrid, but you have to promise me that you will stay safe and be responsible. And, make sure to keep communicating with me regularly."

Marcia hugged her father and thanked him for everything, Marcia went to her room to pack her stuff since her flight is tommorw , her dad already booked her a flight.
Well Marcia had a problem. She didn't have a real Madrid shirt!

Marcia's pov:
"Ughh guess I'll have to get it from Madrid I'll be sure it's a Vini one.."
I pack my stuff and put my swimming suit and clothes much as like this

The Unexpected Love / 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑖 𝐽𝑟Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt