4.) Hectic

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It was a busy day and Joshua was working on the slides for the proposal of their new project, alone since the team he was assigned with was at home due to a viral flu spreading during one of the birthday parties Joshua couldn't attend since he went home early to see Seokmin.

He did all the work including sorting the slides, fixing the errors, doing the research, and others non-stop, and had been sleeping less causing Seokmin to worry. Still, the younger decided not to disturb his boyfriend knowing that he was doing the proposal alone.

Ten, Winwin, and Minjun all noticed that Joshua hasn't been coming home early every time they'd been at their house, which they knew was abnormal since he always come home on time, earlier, or a few minutes late causing them to worry. Seokmin had reassured them that he was alright and that Joshua was just extremely busy.

The only hour Seokmin could be able to see Joshua was always during the morning but after that, he would wait until the next day.

This morning was different, Seokmin had woken up early as usual. He half awakedly turns to his left to hug Joshua but to his surprise, there was no one else there.

Seokmin slowly sat up and looks at Joshua's bed. Seeing that there were no changes on the sheets, he assumed Joshua didn't come home the night before so he picked his phone up from the bedside table and opened it.


내 사랑 ♡

6:01 am

Did you fall asleep at work?
Make sure you eat breakfast or drink something, ok?
Be safe
I love you 😚😚


Oh god-
I'm sorry sunshine 😔 I didn't know I fell asleep
I'll make it up to you after I finish this proposal
I promise
And yes, I ordered coffee when I saw your text
I love you too 💕💕


Wish your flower a successful meeting


Yes, this flower

Wah- that's so unexpected T^TWhy are you so cute hyungg

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Wah- that's so unexpected T^T
Why are you so cute hyungg

Special treatment for my one and only 🤭

I'm so shocked you said that but yes you truly are cute
Won't say good luck cuz I know you'll do great!

I'm so shocked you said that but yes you truly are cuteWon't say good luck cuz I know you'll do great!

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12:47 Seen by 내 사랑 ♡


Author's note:
This segment was supposed to be longer and I'm upset about it being this short- but! since it was rushed, there will be a continuation and it will be after this one to give you a more understandable depiction of what's going to happen. The photos in their chat were all sent by Joshua, I just wanted to clarify. THANK YOU FOR READING AND ENJOY YOUR WEEK!!!! See y'all next time!~ :3

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