Chapter 2: What Happened?! (Luca kaneshiro POV)

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Luca Kaneshiro POV|

I grabbed my jacket and went outside. I was late for a meeting and my men had disappointed me. Good lord. I went straight into my limo and sighed. "The meeting building please," I asked the chauffeur. I leaned back and sighed. 
Those men will be gone next time they disappoint. 

I closed my eyes. I spent all night looking for that boy, I wanted to ask him many questions. Does he have any friends? why was he in the warehouse with that boy? What were they there for? why were they unconscious? Was the guy he was with single? 

I growled quietly, scowling. "Is everything alright, Mr Kaneshiro?" My driver asked. I opened my eyes again. "Mafia things" I replied. "ah, I understand. I am assuming it is about that boy, am I correct?" He made eye contact with me through the mirror. I nodded. "Ah, I see. I believe he escaped through a portal if I am correct," he spoke. I looked at him, quizzically. "What do you mean?" I was pretty confused. 

"Well, I found a man, who had yellow hair and was wearing a futuristic outfit. There was a third male, the one from the warehouse. He had these magic gloves. robotic looking" he spoke again. "He was also wearing a futuristic-looking outfit." He finished his sentence. I thought quietly. "mhm..." I yawned. I looked out the window. 

People passed on the streets, stopping to stare at the car as it passed. I felt tired of people already. My driver parked the car at our destination. I got out of the car and walked into the building. I had this feeling that I was being stared at. I placed my hand just below my gun holster as I walked to the meeting room. All the men that I assigned to that case were there. I sat at the head of the table. 

The first guy spoke up. "We don't know how or why they were there but they were" He looked frightened. I shot him a look and leaned on my hands on the table. He started to stutter. "W-we j-j-ust seen t-the green g-glow a-a-and a thud" he could barely speak. The second guy spoke up. "The guys came through a portal. He is a portal hopper. He just travels from place to place. He doesn't travel into parallel universes, from what I understand. " he spoke calmly. I sighed, frustrated. "Look, I think paperwork is bullshit and if I have to file anyway, I will kill you right now. I advise you to find those three. Even if you have to go through the portal yourself." The men looked at me. "He threatened to send us the demon dimension." the second guy spoke up. 

These guys are useless. I sighed. "Then I will find these kids." I stood up from my chair. I think Shu could help me locate them... or maybe Ike would be better. I left the room and took my phone out of my pocket. I clicked the phonebook and tapped on Ike's contact and rang him. I placed the phone to my ear. 

It rang three times before Ike answered. "Hello, Luca?" He welcomed me. "Ike, I need your expertise..." I spoke quietly, and calmly. Ike growled a little. "Who do you need me to find?" I heard him rustle around and then click on his keyboard. "There are three boys. One with yellow hair and futuristic-looking clothes. One with dirty blond hair, and cat ears. His clothes are black and orange. The third one has robotic clothes. He has these gloves that open portals. I don't know what he looks like, but he is always with those boys." I described them as best I could. He clicked faster then stopped. "Shu's apartment building, apartment 304. I will get Vox to meet you there. Mysta can't right now because he's....sick..." I laughed quietly. "Alright. Tell Vox that I will meet him at the entrance of the apartment block, not the apartment itself. " I knew it would be safer. 

I heard Ike hum. "Alright, Luca. Be safe as normal." "Alright, Ike. Tella Mysta I said hi~!"I teased and hung up before he could scold me. I still felt like I was being watched. I held onto my gun holster as I walked to the car.

Once in the car, we started the long drive to the apartment block. I texted shu.


I will be close by, do you need anything?

No, just be careful. I'm not healing you this time.


I'm always careful!

And he left me on read. I sighed and put my phone away. My driver looked at me. "I know your looking for the portal boy. I'm just saying, I don't think it's for Mafia reasons...." I became flustered. "N-no! It's for those mafia reasons!" he just laughed at me. I huffed angerly.

"he is a vital part for the Kaneshiro Mafia. He could help us get out of... Sticky situations..." I reasoned. He just shook his head and continued driving.
I checked my phone. Something told me to open my camera, so I did. Out of the corner of the screen, just beside my shoulder, was a pair of little beedy eyes. I zoomed in a little.

"since when did a kitten get into the car? Or my jacket in fact." I questioned out loud. My driver hummed. "that is Zuzana, she is your companion for this mission. She is pretty invincible and can trip up your enemies." he chuckled. I looked at the kitten. A little black and white kitten. She had a little yellow collar.

I started to giggle abit as she slept in my jacket hood. Zuzana was brushing against my neck. I carefully took her out of my hood and took my jacket off so she could sleep on it. I've never done a mission with an animal. I have too much of a soft spot for them.. Unless they are insects.

We reached the building and Zuzana woke up and started to climb onto my shoulder. I got out of the car and walked to the gate, where Vox was standing. "Ready to go?" he asked. I gave a brief nod. This will be difficult.

Chapter 2 ends. Wordcount- 1050

"Will the future and the past mix?" Luca Kaneshiro x Male readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt