Chapter 3: Protect him for me (Y/n L/n POV)

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Your POV|

Alban was taking a cat nap. Sonny and I never really got along because of that stunt from when we were younger but right now we needed to tolerate each other at least. I looked at Sonny. He was looking out the window of the apartment. "You know, I did save your ass from those guys, we could at least have a conversation, man" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. 

"I know but what would we talk about?" he asked. I thought quietly. "Sonny. Look at me" he looked over, taking his eyes away from the window. "If anything happens to me, look after Alban, alright?" I looked at him in the eyes. "Alban knows how to use these should they be separated from me" I huffed. 

Sonny sighed. "I will look after Alban, I would never break a promise" he held his pink out to me. I wrapped my little finger around his and squeezed it softly to seal in the promise. Sonny went to the room he typically stays in when I heard a knock. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. You better keep good on your promise, Leek boy. 

I opened the door hesitantly. I was met with black until I looked up. My heart dropped again. Tall, Blonde... he looks like the type to cause chaos. The guy beside him was freaky. He had horns and tribal markings on his face... Like King Akuma. I looked at both of them, wondering what they wanted. 

"My name is Luca, this is my friend Vox. Do you mind if we come in?" The blonde boy spoke. Fuck. He's hot. He's also Australian. I nodded and left them in the apartment. "Uhm... My roommates are currently asleep... forgive me for a moment" I closed the door and went into where Sonny was. "Get Alban. We have guests." I walked back out. 

"So.. uhm... Would you like some water? with ice? It is pretty warm out today." 
"That would be lovely, thank you," the horned guy said. Luca nodded as well.  I went into the kitchen right as Sonny came out to welcome them, with Alban trailing behind him slowly. 

I took off my gloves and grabbed the glasses shakily. I don't do basic stuff without my gloves normally. My hands are too shaky. "Alban!" I called out. He came in and realised what I was doing. He caught the glasses before I dropped them. "You should have waited for one of us you dumbass" He looked me in the eye. "Sorry, Cat" He filled the glasses with water and ice then brought them to the two strangers in our living room. I noticed a little black and white kitten on the counter. 

I put my gloves back on and pet the kitten softly. She had a collar. I looked at it. Zuzana. What a cute name. I gently picked her up and walked out to the main room. Alban looked a little frightened. "Excuse me, Gentlemen, is this your kitten?" I asked, showing off the little baby. Blondie nodded and took Zuzana back. 

"So... what can I do you men for?" I asked as politely as I could. "We need you all to come with us." I immediately got defensive. "Over my dead body," I growled. The blonde man smiled. "That can b very easily arranged... what was your name?" I realised what I was dealing with. 

"My name is Y/n. This is my little brother, Alban. This is the middle brother, Sonny." I was the oldest, but the second shortest. We weren't even biologically related. Alban was nervous. Sonny was on edge. I was furious. Luca looked at me with a freaky smile. "Now. I advise you to come with us before you get mixed up in something you really don't want to be." Luca was calm. "Open the portal, Y/n." I sighed. 

My gloves glowed bright green as I opened the portal. I opened it to fit us all. The hard metal from my gloves felt cold for once. We went through the portal into the warehouse again. Alban hugged me as I looked around the room we were in.

Sonny stood pretty close to us as well. I looked at the blond guy, Luca, again. I felt myself blushing. "Alban, is that the guy you were talking about?" I rubbed the material of his hoodie subconsciously.

I felt Alban nod. He was scared. He was shaking. "It's okay, little cat" I promised him. Luca was standing in front of me. I looked beside him. Vox and three others were there.  A fox-detective dude, a wizard-looking guy and a nerdy fella. They looked very intimidating. I shook away the fear. "What do you want?" I asked for the three of us. "I want to know you... You could be a very valuable asset for us" Luca smiled.

I felt fear rise from the pit of my stomach. I was never one to be scared, mostly so Alban didn't feel afraid, but right now, I was trembling with dread.  Luca's right-hand man, the nerdy dude, spoke up. "don't be afraid, Y/n, we know you are from the future. We're from the past. A time-space anomaly happened when we fell asleep and we ended up here... Well some of us. " he quickly glanced at the demon dude. The demon chuckled lightly.

This made my fear worse.

"Can you tell us what happened? If you remember of course."

I thought quickly and quietly for a moment. "You guys aren't cops, right?" they all looked at the fox guy with the little ponytail. "what??! I won't do anything for a crime that TECHNICALLY hasn't committed yet! What do you take me for?!" his loud voice started Sonny, Alban and me.

"Alright then, I'll start with Alban and I's part. I was running from the VSF. Alban and I had many encounters with them. Alban told me to open a portal. The portals open for a split second and close right after someone goes through, so I have to be the last one to go through. We went through the portal and I woke up on this floor. Alban was nowhere to be seen either. But my gloves still work so" I shrugged at the last part.

Alban relaxed a bit. "As for Sonny, he woke up in a bright room." I continued. I looked at Sonny, who just nodded at me. 

Alban and Sonny are roughly the same age, if not a one or two-year difference. Sonny is the middle 'brother'. I am the oldest 'brother' as mentioned previously. The nerdy guy nodded, looking very serious. "I think you should welcome them to the team Luca," he said. 

"Shu. I want you to check them over for anything sketchy. Mysta will be with you as well." Luca said. He looked over at me then. "I should introduce all of you. Y/n, Meet Ike, Mysta and Shu" he pointed at each person as he said their name. "You know me and Vox" I nodded. "I'm Y/n L/n... Second youngest criminal in diamond city. These are my brothers, Alban and Sonny. We aren't biologically related." I clarified. I don't remember how I still remembered my full name. I think I had my birth certificate with me when I found Alban that day.  I nicknamed him Knox because... Alban Knox stuff off the counter... like a cat... which sparked the Cat nickname. 

Alban stopped hugging me. My waist felt small. He had been hugging pretty tightly. 

Is this my new life?

Chapter 3 ends. Wordcount- 1267

"Will the future and the past mix?" Luca Kaneshiro x Male readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum