Chapter 7: Food Coma (Y/n L/N POV)

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Your pov| trigger warning: food, eating, rain

Luca took me inside the place. The wait staff immediately brought him over to the table where Ike, Vox, Mysta and Shu were sitting. I noticed some odd pairings. Ike held Vox's hand while Mysta leaned on Shu's shoulder.

I looked around. This place was fancy! I'm talking EXTREMELY fancy. Diamond City is known for its restaurants...and its lights.

I should bring Alban and Sonny here at some point. As I sat down next to Luca, I couldn't help but feel like I was interrupting a romantic outing for two. I started picking at my nails again, feeling awkward. A pretty waitress came over. "Hey there! What can I get started for you lovely men today?"Her voice was pleasant as well.

So, after everyone had ordered, I finally mustered up the courage to ask for what I wanted. She nodded and told us our food would be out shortly. I'm never ordinarily short for words but she took my breath away. What am I? Am I gay or bisexual or pansexual??! I sighed to myself with my queer questioning frustration. Ike and Luca were conversing with Shu, Vox and Mysta. I had no idea what they were talking about but Luca did try to add me to the conversation.

The waitress came back with our food. It looked really good, and to be honest, I was STARVING. I skipped breakfast this morning because I was running late. I need to stop doing that but I was awake until 4 am, breaking my sleep schedule, to comfort Alban. Although it feels odd not to think of him as my little cat, there's no use dwelling on that fact. It feels like I'm parenting him more than being his brother... I signed up for it though.

I looked at my food. It was slowly dwindling the more I ate and I enjoyed every bite of it. I forgot how filling some foods can be. We were all finished and we felt like just sleeping. We all paid separately. My bill wasn't that bad but the boys were like... 50$+. Their bill made my bank card cry. Luca helped me up with a smile. "Let's go back to one of the boy's apartments," He whispered. I nodded and followed Luca, holding onto him slightly. 

I felt like a young child in a store with his parent, holding onto the sleeve of his parents' shirt. I looked at him, studying him. He has these enchanting purple eyes that were so captivating, I could nearly use them as mirrors. His skin was soft and his smile could be creepy or sweet. Right now, he just had a smirk. I looked at him again. He was so nice, but he looked scary. He has the personality of a little retriever puppy. 

I was just staring at the ground and messing with my nails, this is what I usually do when I'm nervous or... SHY. ugh, I hate that word. I'm not shy, just anxious. I sighed to myself quietly. Luca and I waited for the guys to get in their cars then we got into Luca's car. The driver looked at me in the mirror and smiled. "Uh, hey" I gave him an awkward wave. Luca just smiled at me. "Follow Ike's car, please Mister driver" Luca said. 

So he did. I took my phone out and played some games, particularly Tomb of The Mask. I felt like I was being watched and noticed the little black and white kitten staring at me from the front seat. "Fucking Christ" I whispered. The kitten jumped onto the seat between Luca and me. Luca smiled and put his jacket down for her. I absent-mindedly pet her softly. "Zuzana is so cute. I'm surprised Lucy hasn't found her yet!" He hummed happily. I could fall asleep right now. 

That food was so good man. I think I might genuinely take a nap when I get home later. Luca cleared his throat to catch my attention. "we're here!" He beamed. I nodded at him and got out of the car. He got out with little Zuzana on his shoulder. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled. "No need to be nervous, we're all just gonna watch a movie and pass out!" he contently. 

I couldn't help but feel calm around him, it was very strange. I normally feel calm around Alban or even Sonny, but not with strangers, especially strangers I've hooked up with. I nodded at him and followed him inside. It took me a moment to realise that this was my apartment block. I looked at Luca, very confused. "Shu's apartment is here as well," he answered my confused thought. I must have looked kind of serious because Luca gave me one of his charming smiles. 

I couldn't help but smile because of it, his laugh and smile were infectious. I would gladly be infected by those. I felt a strange atmosphere when I walked into the building. It felt heavy with anger and frustration. I felt like I was being suffocated until I went into Shu's apartment. The cool air and the calming atmosphere waved over me and I sighed with relief. 

Shu put on a comfy movie that the boys have seen multiple times. I don't think I have ever seen this movie. I might have seen it in history class when we were talking about 2023, but I don't fully remember. We all sat down and some of the boys fell asleep, leaving me, Luca and Ike awake. Luca was on the verge of falling asleep. I was pretty sleepy too but I can't nap right now, if I do I won't be able to sleep tonight. 

Ike was still awake, playing with Voxs hair subconsciously. "So, how are you feeling now, Y/n? Luca told us earlier you were a little upset" Ike spoke softly. I smiled a little. "I'm feeling a little better, thank you." I managed to whisper. "If you want to talk, I'm happy to listen. I know you don't really know us and trust us fully yet, but I think it would be a start, but I won't push you either" He smiled at me. 

I felt happy that I had a friend now. I normally just hang out with Alban and Sonny but I don't think they want to see me right now. I huffed quietly to myself, just thinking about it. "I... Thanks, Ike" I am happier, way happier than I was.  I looked at both Ike and Luca and they had fallen asleep, into their food coma. I rested my head on my arm and slowly drifted to sleep. 

Chapter 7 ends. Wordcount- 1120

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