Then there was Annabeth Chase, who's emotions were a strange mix: anticipation for the meeting, amazement at the Roman architecture, and a little bit of fear of something going wrong. But the blonde girl looked exactly as Aurelia remembered—right down to the messy blonde curls.

She really couldn't have cared for them after all these years, Aurelia mused.

And finally, Jason Grace. He stood tall and beautiful in his purple praetor's cape, which covered an orange shirt similar to the one Annabeth wore. His features were that of a Roman statue. And as the crowd parted for Aurelia, Reyna and Percy, his eyes met hers with emotions so powerful, it took her breath away.

Jason stared at Aurelia in amazement. The monsters in her eyes were oddly still as they stared back at him. Pure obsidian to sky blue. Neither looked away.

Aurelia had never felt so tunnel visioned ever. All the other surrounding emotions—the fear, the worry, the love—was completely forsaken by her as she stared at Jason. Every molecule in her body was at work, keeping her in place with her expression blank and her hands clasped together in front of her neatly folded dress.

Reyna was speaking, and Aurelia still couldn't bring herself to look away.

It wasn't until the sudden movement of Annabeth Chase that Aurelia was finally able to tear her eyes away.

Annabeth had surged forward, and Percy had promptly followed her lead. Several people in the crowd tensed, reaching for weapons that weren't there, their emotions causing dark shadows to form on Aurelia's skin. The two met in the middle, embracing tightly, their lips meeting in an urgent kiss.

Aurelia's mouth parted ever so slightly as her tunnel vision reappeared, but not for Jason Grace. Rather it was for Annabeth and Percy, and the heavy amount of love they radiated for each other. It was so powerful, so potent, she honestly felt like she was invading a private moment just by watching, but she couldn't bring herself to look away.

It was such pure, unbridled emotion—emotions that she hadn't seen in a long time.

Percy was the first to pull away, cupping Annabeth's face with his hands to study her. "Gods, I never thought—"

Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. The new praetor of Rome slammed into the stone pavement. Several Romans cried out. Some started to surge forward, but Reyna raised her hand and shouted, "Hold! Stand down!"

Annabeth put her knee on Percy's chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. Her emotions were strange—angry, relieved but still a large amount of love. A large ball of worry and bitterness that had been swelling underneath her loving surface finally burst. "If you ever leave me again, I swear to all the gods—"

Percy laughed. "Consider me warned. I missed you too."

The fire in Annabeth's eyes dispersed as she rose and helped him to his feet. Aurelia looked down a little to hide her smile—Annabeth's emotions were indicating that she kinda wanted to kiss Percy again.

Jason cleared his throat. "So, yeah ... it's good to be back."

Jason began the introduction and after that beautiful display of love Aurelia was ready to focus on her actual job—the job that Reyna expected her to do right now.

The other girl, Piper, seemed to be a little annoyed about something, but she still managed a half hearted smile in greeting. Then the boy, Leo, grinned and flashed a peace sign when Jason introduced him before looking at Aurelia and winking at her. Aurelia raised an eyebrow, still unsure what to make from this guy's relaxed, carefree emotions.

Golden GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora