"Woah there, little miss big scrubs. Calm that shit down for me" Fatima said, "For one, you don't hack into shit you have the log in credentials to and second I really didn't think you would do that..just as easy as I remember being told"

Tierra scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Look, I'm on the clock. I don't have to stand here and take-"

"Okay, shit" Fatima said, rolling her eyes "You can't take a joke? I'm just joking with you"

"Fatima" Tiffany said, trying not to laugh.

"Seriously, my bad Tierra. I didn't come here to beat your ass again, kill you, none of this shit. I like this facility and if I'm going to give birth here, I need to make some shit clear to you"

Tierra's face grew less tense but she still kept her arms folded. Tiffany stepped towards, calmly unfolding them. "Relax" she said softly.

"Zac contacted you, one time..for business. You guys completed a business transaction that resulted in nothing for you and that's on you. Next time, you see him..you didn't. Same goes for me. You don't know us. You never seen us."

Tiffany shook her head with a smirk on her face as she watched her friend. "I apologize for the past, it's over. I've moved on..I've evolved, I'm about to be a mother and I don't want any of the energy in this hospital on account of me, let alone around me and my child.." she paused, looking Tierra square in the eyes "and my man." she said sternly, rubbing her belly.

"Now, if we have an understanding, we can go cause I'm hungry" She said towards Tiffany.

Tierra took a deep breath and nodded at Fatima, "I understand and I'm sorry. I didn't know what to think when I saw those messages last night. I figured he just wanted to talk"

"You don't have to lie to me Tierra" Fatima laughed, "I know exactly what you were thinking because that's what I wanted to you to think. Why else would I suggest meeting at 7 am before Fatima gets up for to go to the office?" Tierra just stared, her eyes dropping to the ground.

"Exactly as I thought. Listen, that's cool you still gotta lil thing for Daddy, I get it. If I wasn't going home to him, I'd still have a lil thing for him too but don't let that lil thing have you catch a big bullet. Got me?"

Tierra nodded, once "Got you"

Fatima smiled wildly and clapped, "Great! Now, that we're on the same page, we have breakfast calling our names" she rubbed her belly again before walking past Tierra. "Enjoy your day, hun" Tiffany said, following Fatima out.

Once they were down the hallway and on the elevator, they both laughed.

"You know she about to quit, right?" Tiffany asked looking at Fatima.

She shrugged, "That would be smart of her" they laughed again.


6:34 pm...

"Shit" Zac gritted as Fatima lowered herself down the length of his erection, finding her rhythm quickly. He helped guide her hips as she held her onto his knees and grinded her hips a little, resting in his lap. "Uhh" she breathed out, continuing to bounce on top of him.

"Fatimaaa" Zac moaned, throwing his head back on the couch as she walls suffocated him in the best way. Fatima smirked, looking over her shoulder as she bounced between his legs. "Mmm fuuck" she cursed, losing control as Zac began moving his hips upward underneath her.

He sat up, grabbing her hips and lifted them off the couch. Still deep inside of her, he changed their position, helping her put her knees in the couch without withdrawing.

As Fatima planted her elbows into the back of the couch, Zac started his slow, dragging stroke causing her to drop her head instantly.

"Zaaaaac" she dragged, struggling to catch her breath as he continued.

"Where did you go this morning?" He said between tight lips. Fatima just moaned louder.

Zac took a long stroke, landing it deep inside of her and holding still.

Fatima gasped, finally breathing "Aaaah" she whimpered, "Answer me Ti" Zac said lowly. "Leland road" she whispered, holding herself together. The contact he was making was close to sending her over the edge. "Leland road for what?" Zac stammered, feeling her walls pulse around him.

"Zac..baby please" she asked, her breaths being cut short

"What's on Leland road Fatima?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Uhh, shit..Zac ppplease" she stuttered causing Zac to chuckle as he pulled from her a little and slowly regaining his previous pace, roughly thrusting into her at random; just enough from time to time

"Ooooo shiiit" Fatima whimpered into the pillow below her...


An hour later...

Zac let Fatima know Tierra sent one last message, apologizing to them both before blocking him which he only got because Fatima forgot to silence the notifications completely when she used his instagram account on his backup phone, She had only silenced them for 12 hours, by mistake.

"I only went there to talk to her Zac" Fatima said rolling her eyes as she did her night routine. "Yeah, I hear you but that's what you said last time and you really went to beat her ass" Zac huffed, folding his arms beside Fatima in the mirror.

"You act like I'm not almost 7 months pregnant Zachary"

"No, Fatima Anne. You act like you're not 7 months pregnant. What if she said something you didn't like and it pissed you off? You were just gonna let her walk away?"

Fatima chuckled then scoffed, "Yeah, I wish that bitch-" she stopped making eye contact with Zac in the reflection. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"Exactly Fatima, my point. That wasn't smart baby"

"But I didn't go on no bullshit though babe plus Tiff was with me"

"Tiff!? She fucking crazy too..Cam know you got his wife out here scaring bitches at they jobs with you?"

Fatima looked around the room, "I meannn.."

"Woman.." Zac started, rubbing his face.

Fatima turned to him, grabbing his hands "Okay babe, okay! I'm sorry...only thing on my mind was shit being peaceful in a few months. I like that place and I knew Tierra had something to do with canceling the appointment when I saw her ass watching us leave yesterday, talking about since you wasn't replying to her messages, she had to get your attention some how..ol thirsty ass" Fatima shook her head "so I had to do what I had to do". She shrugged, letting him go.

Zac's face softened a little when he looked at her. "Listen Fatima, I know you. I'm not surprised but I'm upset that you did it while pregnant..anything could have happened babe..just like you told me, you just can't be doing stuff and not letting me know. We're a team, mama" he said, interlocking their hands.

"I know babe and I'm sorry. It won't happen again" She said sweetly, peaking his lips. Zac smiled and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her waist to rub her belly from behind.

"Just don't let these bitch think cause I'm pregnant they can try us. Susie stay loaded, 25/8" she said leaning her head back on his shoulder as he began to slowly rock them. "Mhm" he smiled, kissing her face as she closed her eyes "Crazy ass" he said, kissing her face again.

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