The New News

205 2 1

- Jade

I layed on my bed in a bored manner when I heard my name being called.

"Jade!" father yelled. "Yes father?" I shouted. "Come down!" he replied.

"Yes father." I said instantly. Although if I could I would have said, "Fiiiiiiine." but father was way to terrifying to even think about saying at to him.

I stood up and walked down the stairs slowly. Then when I reached the marble floor I slid on my socks towards father's office.

We lived in a mansion, but he almost never leaves this room.

I leaned on the doorway and father turned around in his office chair in the kind of way a criminal mastermind would in a movie.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. He analyzed me intensely for a moment.

Finally he looked me in the eyes and his expression softened. "Jade, do you remember how you used to beg me to let you go to school?" he prompted.

I nodded slowly. "Well, I think I am going to let you go.I enrolled you at Claw Mountain Highschool. You start next week." he said. My heart stopped. It didn't hit me right away.

But when it did it was the strangest feeling. Hope. A foreign emotion for me. Hope to have something new in life.

I smiled softly revealing my pearly white teeth. "Thank you father." I said respectfully. I walked slowly upstairs after grabbed my school supplies.

The moment I shut the door I was jumping.

I am going to school! And meet people! Best day ever!

I opened my computer and looked up: Claw Mountain Hughschool California.

A picture of a big school with big copper gates appeared. I looked deep into their photos.

And then I saw him. Father. He was in a football jersey. A boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes had his arm draped over father's shoulders.

Father looked genuinely happy. I was surprised this boy was able to get that close.

I saw a few with father and a girl with blonde hair and ferocious green eyes.

These were from the year 1999. The next year was 2000. The boy from the first photo no longer slung his arm so casually around father's shoulder.

They actually didn't have ang pictures together. A small girl with black hair and green eyes started to show up in photos with a girl with colorful hair.

The girl with black hair had a few photos of her with the didty blonde guy and I guy with black hair and midnight blue eyes.

Father started to disappear from photos. And by the year 2002 they were all gone. College or something.

I can be like that some day.





The list goes on and on. But most of all.

I won't be lonely anymore. Maybe I will even have a boyfriend. But it's not likely.

Who would want to date me anyways?

I continued to scroll through the different pictures.

Some of them father looked happy in. Others like 2000 prom he looked unhappy. His best pictures were in 1998 and 1999.

It was hard to imagine father with friends and a girlfriend.

The boy with blonde hair was close to father. It was obvious. Father had dated the girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

But in one photo. Father stood beside the girl with black hair and green eyes.

The girl smiled at the camera. But father looked at her. And his expression caught me off guard. It was love.

I never got to see this expression. Father loved this girl.

I stared at the photo for a long time.

Could she be my mother? I have her eyes. But the hair. Maybe father was a dirty blonde naturally. Or maybe this girl was dirty blonde.

Except both of them were extremely pale. Not tan like me.

My skin was closer to the boy with dirty blonde hair.

Father seemed happy. At peace. Something must have happened to disturb that. Maybe it was mother dying.

If she hadn't died maybe I would already have friends and have been going to school.

Just maybe.

But I don't live by maybes. If I do I end up thinking stuff like: maybe I will get a dog. Maybe I will go to school.

They don't usually happen.

But this rare exception.

In just one week.

Maybe I will have what father had.


This was a short chapter I know. But I hoped you enjoyed. 754 words.

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