𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

Start from the beginning

"Oh, but we're getting married. It's only natural that we become intimate," Marco responds, taking yet another step closer to me. He wraps his gigantic arms around my waist, and his lips hover over my neck. "Come now; surely we can have a little fun before marriage."

I want to scream, but I know nobody will care. "Get away from me! You're disgusting!" I shout, shoving him off of me aggressively.

The arrogant prince stumbles backward and almost knocks over a lamp on my father's desk. When he regains his balance, he shoots me a menacing glare.

"Disgusting? That's quite the thing to say to the man you're getting married to," he growls. "You better learn some respect for your future husband; otherwise, you're going to be in for quite a rough marriage."

"I don't respect you, and I never will. I'd rather die than be married to you."

"Die, then," he snaps, moving closer to me until our noses are touching. "We both know I'm powerful enough to make that happen."

That's it. I've had enough. I lift my knee up quickly and kick him right in the nuts. It's the least that asshole deserves, after all.

Marco almost immediately falls to his knees, his eyes squeezed shut. "You...what the fuck?!" he wheezes, doubling over. "God!" he shouts, letting out a pained yell, his fingers clenching his groin. He looks up at me, and I swear I could see a vein pop in his forehead.

"Next time you talk to me like that, you'll pray that all I do is kick you in the balls," I threaten through gritted teeth.

Instead of apologizing, Prince Marco gets back up and grabs my arm, twisting it. "You'll pay for that, you little brat."

I try to wiggle my arm fiercely out of his grasp, but it's no use. He has an ironclad grip. "Let go of me!" I demand.

"You think you can just hit me and get away with it?" Marco's voice is loud and aggressive, not to mention painful. "You want to get physical? Fine; let's get physical." He squeezes my arm, making me wince in pain with the intensity.

I hold back a shriek, not wanting him to get satisfaction from successfully hurting me. "I'll never love you!"

"Whether you love me or not is irrelevant," he says lowly, squeezing my arm harder, "because I will have your body as my wife. You better grow accustomed to this treatment; I won't make exceptions just because you're my betrothed. Understand?"

"My body?" His words enrage me. How disgusting could one man possibly be? "I will never let you touch me. Dream on, pig."

His jaw twitches, and he looks down at me with nothing but pure disdain. His brown eyes bore into my soul, and I can notice them darkening. "You just wait, Princess; the day will come when you'll beg for my touch."

"Oh, please, give me a break," I shot back sarcastically. "I feel bad for any woman who even has to be near you."

Suddenly, I'm pushed back against the wall. I groan in pain as my head throbs while Marco keeps me pinned there. "You're going to regret your words."

"Let me go!" I squirm against the wall, turning my head from side to side as I struggle to get away from him. "Stop!"

"You think this is hard to break free from? You haven't seen anything yet," he threatens lowly, squeezing his hand tightly around my neck and nearly choking me. "I'd be careful with your words, mi amore. You don't want to push me too far," he chuckles, "because you won't like the consequence of pushing the prince too far."

"Marco—" I'm interrupted by the feeling of his lips on my neck. No, no, no! I squirm even more, which only makes him rougher, biting down on my skin. "OW!"

Finally having had enough, I kick him again in between his legs, and he recoils in pain. I need to get out of here. I can't stand being around him for another second. I quickly rush to the door, but just as I'm about to open it, Marco grabs my arm again, spinning me around to face him.

"I'm not done with you, Princess," he growls, his eyes glowing with rage. "You will learn to respect your future husband. And if you don't, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget."

"I will never respect you!" I scream at him, pulling my arm out of his grip with all my might. "Stay away from me, or I'll tell my father."

"Please. You think your father will care?" He yanks me back by my hair and throws me toward the desk. "You're even more pathetic than I thought," the prince sneers.

I finally let out a loud wail full of pain when I slammed into the desk. My whole body aches, and I hold back the tears that well up in my eyes. I hate him. I hate him!

The door suddenly bursts open. "Princess, are you al—" Alex stops mid-sentence when he sees everything going on. He immediately gets on Marco, pinning him down and slamming his head into the ground. "What the hell are you doing? Stay away from her!"

"GET OFF OF ME!" Marco roars, wiggling underneath the bodyguard. "I have every right to discipline my future wife!"

"You're lucky I don't have the authority to kill you right now," Alex snaps at him. "I swear, if you so much as lay a finger on her again, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your miserable life."

"Don't threaten me," the prince hisses. "I'm royalty. I'm untouchable, and you can't do anything to me."

"On the contrary, I can do anything I want," Alex clarifies. "I could make you disappear right now without a trace. Remember that."

Marco's eyes narrow dangerously as he glares back at Alex. I hold my breath, waiting for him to make a move.

"You'll regret this, bodyguard." The prince speaks in a low, dangerous tone.

"Oh, please," the bodyguard retorts, rolling his eyes. He gives Marco one last withering look. "I'll escort the princess to her chambers. Don't you dare come near her again."

Marco scowls before storming out of the study. I can still feel his piercing gaze and his violent touch. The way he was so rough with me and how he threatened my life—it doesn't sit right with me at all.

"Thanks for saving me," I murmur.

"Just doing my job, Princess," Alex replies, seemingly disappointed. But why? He pulls me up from the ground and helps me walk to my room. For once, I don't push him away. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I don't know what I'd do without him.


authors note: before you all undoubtedly judge alex for not being in the room, he was standing outside the door because that is his JOB. when royals are talking IN private, he's not allowed to go in and i thought this was common sense but i guess not? 😭 anyway i'm not saying don't be mad at him because you all have every right, but do not leave rude comments about MY writing or ME in general.

also if someone is making you uncomfortable/physically assaulting you or touching you in any other way, please talk to someone. i know it seems scary, but if you want things to stop, telling someone is your best bet. i hope you're all safe and well 🤍

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