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"Holy shit.." Beomgyu groaned as he sat up from his bed. His head was POUNDING.

It was exactly 9pm. The morning sunlight shined at his face, which made him wake up.

Taehyun, who was seated right next to him with the blanket over his legs, passed him a small pain reliever pill and a glass of water. "Here. You'll need these." He said.

He had woken up over an hour ago to get Beomgyu the meds he'd need for his hangover, knowing how bad it'd be with the amount of drinks he had.

"Th- thanks.." Beomgyu stutters, taking the pill and swallowing it down with the water helping. "Ngh.." he pouts, hating this headache.

Taehyun shuffles on over to wrap an arm around Beomgyu's upper body. "There, there. You'll feel better soon." He said while caressing his head.

"Will you make it better?" Beomgyu asked, looking up with his pouty face and watery eyes.

"Of course. I gave you a pain reliever."

"Nuh. I want you to kiss it better, please?"

Taehyun raised a brow. "You sure that won't just give you another headache?" He questions.

Beomgyu shakes his head but immediately regrets it. "Ack-" he winced in pain.

Taehyun sighs and brings Beomgyu closer so he could lay him down on his arm. Although this might give him sore muscles, it was all worth it for his prince to get better.

He gives him a kiss on the forehead. Beomgyu smiles, happy and satisfied. His eyes began to close on it's own as he started getting more drowsy.

"I love you.." Beomgyu murmured. The last thing he felt was Taehyun's lips on his before he slipped off to dreamland once more.

3 hours later, Taehyun woke him up again.

"Rise and shine~ I made you breakfast." Taehyun called, rubbing Beomgyu's sides.

Beomgyu gently opened his eyes. The smell of freshly made pancakes and sausages filled his nostrils. He smiled. "Hi." He greets.

"Hello." Taehyun greets back. Beomgyu lifts himself up slowly, Taehyun helped him as well. "Would you like your breakfast?" He asked.

"Yes please." Beomgyu says.

Taehyun reached for the breakfast he left on the table, but Beomgyu had other plans. He quickly swooped his leg around Taehyun's and flipped him on his back, Beomgyu on top of him.

"Hah?" Taehyun says questionably.

"Breakfast." Beomgyu grins. He leaned down and pecks Taehyun's nose.

The younger smiles. "Ohh, so you want my breakfast?" Beomgyu nods. "Okay~ you asked for it." Taehyun flipped him around so he was on top instead.

They then kissed. That's it.

"Ahhh!" Beomgyu opened his mouth widely.

Taehyun hums as he puts a sausage into his mouth.

"Mm~! So good!" Beomgyu said with the sausage in his mouth.

"Want some more?" Taehyun asks.

"Yes!" Beomgyu opened his mouth for more.

Taehyun put another sausage in his mouth.

Beomgyu jumped in place from satisfaction. "You're amazing, Taehyunie!"

"Heh, I know. Want some pancakes?"

"Yes please." Taehyun feeds Beomgyu his pancakes.

Beomgyu's eyes sparkle from the heavenly taste. "Delicious!" He squeals, clapping his hands.

"Glad you think that way." Taehyun smiles. "Just letting you know, I did it all by myself."

"You're so cool!" Beomgyu hugs his waist. "Next time, let me cook with you too."

"Of course." Taehyun pulls him closer and kissed his forehead. "That would be fun."

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