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Beomgyu was guiding Taehyun to another place he wanted to show him this late at night. Beomgyu's a lot more giggly at the moment and those flushed cheeks of his make him really out of this world.

It's making Taehyun feel like something deep inside is about to explode. Just something about tonight was different from the other days and nights they've been out along together.

Being that Beomgyu has so many places he's been where no one has been before, it's just special that he's taking Taehyun to them.

"Boom! Waterfall!" Beomgyu gleams with arms out, making him look super powerful with that huge amount of water gushing out from above of whatever was between those rocks.

"Woah.." Taehyun managed to say. Beomgyu looks amazing..

"Look! The fireflies are putting on a show for you!"

Taehyun turned a little to see the fireflies making their way around him and towards the waterfall. They did a little group dance with the pretty lights glowing off of each other.

Randomly, a bunch of fish jumped out from the waterfall's ending point, the stream. It was a small stream that connected to the huge ocean that continued onward.

Beomgyu giggles as he spots a tiny turtle crawl out, mostly. It was actually getting a ride on this mini octopus from the tentacle.

The mini octopus and the tiny turtle then formed a teeny instrument. The turtle's shell as a drum and the tentacles as sticks. At the same time, it's making suction cup noises which surprisingly sounds good with the drumming.

More sea creatures joined in. Crabs, starfish, jellyfish, etc. They all came together and formed one big band.

It's almost as if.. they were paid actors :000

"Uh.. do they always show up at this time and form a sea band??" Taehyun questions.

"Actually, I never seen the musical stuff happening.. but they do greet me every time I'm here!" Beomgyu replied happily.

"Heh, guess it's a Taehyun privilege thing, huh?"

"I guess so, yeah." Beomgyu smiled lovingly at him. Taehyun stared back.

It was like that until the mini octopus got impatient and smacked the tiny turtle's shell, startling Taehyun, Beomgyu, and the turtle.

Beomgyu put two and two together and gasped. "Oohhhh.." he said in realization. "The octopus wants us to ki-" before he could finish, Taehyun was already at his lips.

"Are we there yet..?" Beomgyu whined, his legs feeling all wobbly.

"Beom, it's your kingdom. Shouldn't you know?"

"Yes.. I do.. I just wanted to say that!" He giggles.

Taehyun rolled his eyes and continued the journey.

It was now 1am. They got a little distracted with something more than just kissing and hadn't realized how late it's gotten. Somehow, the romantic seriousness in Beomgyu left his body and so he became drunk Gyu again.

"Oooo! Look! The moon!" Beomgyu points up at the full moon.

Taehyun looks up. "What about it?"

"Beautiful." He giggles.

The younger hums. "Just like you."

"I know! Did you know, when someone says, 'the moon is beautiful, isn't it?' in Japanese, it means I love you!!" Beomgyu asked excitedly.

"The moon is Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah! Super Beautiful! Oh! And, did you know that the Moon symbolizes pure love! Wow, I wish the moon to always be this round."

Taehyun sighs. "But, Beomie, the moon is always round." He states.

"Is it? But the moon always changes shape."

"It may seem like it's changing on the outside, but deep down on the inside, it's the same round moon. You just can't see it because there isn't any light." Taehyun explains.

"Ohh, that makes sense. Where does the light come from?" Beomgyu asks.

"The sun, of course. Where else does the morning get it's light?" Taehyun chuckles at his genuine curiosity.

Right on cue, they finally made it back to the kingdom's gates.

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