chapter nine

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not so cute 


a few days after Matthew and I had that chat, the news went viral. everybody was coming up with new conspiracy theories suggesting why Ken Davis was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, some even claimed that an 'inside source' told them that Matthew was so greedy to become CEO that he poisoned his own father, they even showed some evidence of the both of them have a strained relationship. the part that I was the most curious about or more like a person, Matthews mother. she played no role in this. in fact, even the media pretended she didn't exist. maybe she didn't, curiosity got the best of me and I googled who is Matthew Davis's mother.  I scrolled through many articles some suggesting she had passed away while many others said that she mysteriously disappeared. reading all this was definitely scary, how can a person so mysteriously disappear? and that too a billionaire's wife? maybe ken Davis had some kind of hand in all this? but what would he benefit from it? a million questions haunted my mind as I watched the news while simultaneously scrolling through my phone. it seemed like the media had no idea that Ken Davis was in fact on life support and was not only admitted. my mind immediately went to Matthew and began to sympathize with him. he is going through a difficult situation right now and that too so publically. From what I have gathered his mother died or disappeared when he was very young so that means he grew up with only one parent and now he is losing him too. I really wish there was something I could do for him. The worst part was I didn't know what to do. just as I was lost in my thoughts Chloe came into the room. 

"what's up?" is it just me or did that sound exceptionally weird

"Nothing, why are you acting weird" I whisper loudly while raising an eyebrow

"I might have done something," she says with a guilty face


"I know we were planning a girl's night out, but Leo said all three of us have not hung out in forever so I invited him"

"oh thank god, that's it right? I have no problem hanging out with him. In fact, I love him more than you." I say with a slight smirk. leo and Chloe have been dating for so long that now they are in the comfortable part of their relationship. so it's not gross third wheeling them

"also Javier is also coming" she added

" and Nico?" I asked

"of course do you think he will go anywhere without his boyfriend!" she said and we both burst out laughing. Javier was my friend since forever, we went to the same high school but different colleges. he had met Nico in a bar and they have been dating for almost 6 months now. Javier is the one person I am the closest to apart from Chloe.

" come on now, let's get ready" I was still in an extremely oversized hoodie and my hair was in a messy bun. 

"yes ma'am" 

just then the bell rang, it was definitely Leo. I opened the door greeting Leo with a hug and seeing that he was not the only person there, Matthew's mother fucking Davis. what was he doing here? 

"gem, this is Matthew my roommate from college," Leo said with a smile introducing us politely. I just turned around seeing Chloe there with a complete shock on her face. 

"Chloe room," I said while pointing in some random direction. She nodded knowing exactly what I wanted to say. 

"Okay gem, I am so confused here and I know you are going to be angry at me but there is a lot I don't yet understand myself. for starters what is Matthew Davis doing with my boyfriend Leonard? also how in hell do they know each other well the list goes on but most importantly what is he doing here? in our house?" she just finished taking an entire paragraph. now I kind of felt guilty for not telling her that Matthew was Leo's roommate, and really I didn't even think they were in contact.

"Chloe I think I can explain, remember Leo's roommate Matt?" I ask and she nods "Well he is Matthew Davis" 


"I know I know, he looks totally different now and stuff but I am not kidding. matt and Matthew are the same person" I explain

"gem" was all that left out of her mouth

"This is a lot to process, that your boyfriend is best friends with a billionaire and that to the one I am working with."

" yes but, I don't know what to say gem. we got to get ready now. and we are going to talk about this later, yea?"

"yes, are you mad?" 

" no of course not, why would I be? I am actually relieved that Leo didn't just bring some rando home" she laughs and I could tell it was real. 

we both got ready and put on the cutest outfits, I was dressed in a cocktail green dress, with puffy sleeves and a square neck. the whole time I was getting ready I could hear Matthews laugh from downstairs, it was weird having him in my house, where I live. when I got down I swear Matthew was staring at me, or it was just my imagination I don't know. I had an effort in my look today, and no it was not because of Matthew. Javier was already here.

"Hey, baby girl" he always calls me that, and it's kinda cute 

"Hii, how do I look?" I chirp excitedly, you could always rely on him to brighten your mood.

"beautiful, my eyes were burning from your glow while you were coming downstairs," he says while dramatically putting his hands on his eyes, like when you do to protect them from the sun. he hugs me and no doubt he gives one of the best bear hugs, he lifts me off the ground so I was levitating while I burst into laughter. he is honestly one of the only friends I have who will not judge you and support you no matter what. friends like Chloe are the mom types, always over-cautious about everything. he puts me down and puts his arm around my shoulder. 

" where's Nico? I thought he was coming tonight," I ask out of curiosity

"he is joining us there. Also I was very curious as to who is this, handsome man and what is he doing here so I may have done some digging," he says while looking at me with a mischievous smile.

"you did not before you ask I don't have a crush on him"

"I have seen the way he looks at you baby girl"

the stupid butterflies they just explode in my stomach, no this is wrong this shouldn't be happening. god, it's going to be a long night. 

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