
3 1 1

Beeping could be heard from a distance. A soft hum from an overhead light filled the air around two men. One was in a white scientist suit, the other in a formal suit and tie. He had slicked back hair that was black and blue eyes. The scientist glanced at the chart in the clipboard that he held. He had a scruffy beard and thick white glasses.


"I know, I am seeing it as well."

"Vitals seem to be stable, but the human was botched. Eyes are missing, nose is missing, the mouth opening is non-existent and the skin is a pale blue. I don't know how my men fucked up this badly."

"I want diagnostics sent to my office. For now, place the body in a room, we will have it opened to be examined further."

"Understood, right away, sir."

The man walked off, through a set of double sliding doors. The room dimmed and a bright light beamed down onto a large clear tube filled with a pinkish purple liquid. Inside the foggy liquid stood a human-shaped figure. Features could not be identified through the haze.

The scientist sighed as he looked down back at the clipboard in his white gloves. He glanced up at the tube and walked up to the terminal, pressing a button on it. Men filed into the room and stood still in a line.

"Get it out of there and bring it to room 44, and be careful, we need the insides intact."

The men began to work by draining the liquid and having the creature fall onto a cot before they shuffled out of the room. The scientist followed suit. When they were in the room, the creature was laid onto a metal table and the arms and legs were strapped into titanium cuffs welded to the table. The creature, now drying under the bright light, was small, about 4ft long.

The skin was a pale blue that almost seemed to shimmer under the fluorescents. The face was almost completely bare, other then two blemishes. One sat under an indent in the face and another central on the forehead. There were no eyes, rather indents where the eyes should be. There was no nose, that surface was flat and smooth, even the mouth had no opening. The hands were like claws, having dagger-like fingers. The ears were ever so slightly pointy at the top. The hair was curly and jet black in color. The hair was strewn all over, being very full and very long.

"Alright, you may leave, I need to prepare the examination."

The men filed out, leaving the scientist alone with the creature.

"Now, you should be in a deep slumber, at least until the morning, so I should make this quick. This will only hurt a little."

He took out a fluorite scalpel, the only thing they have found to date that can pierce the skin of the newest model. It is unknown why the skin is only  perceptible to it. But it was annoying to work with as it could easily break if not careful.

He brought the light down to the thigh of the creature and tapped it with his finger. The thigh felt almost exactly like human skin, soft and smooth. He then took the scalpel and sliced it into the thigh. The creature jerked a little before resting. It could not speak, nor see, so he had no problem slicing it open.

As he took another slice, dark blue blood dripped out. He took a blood sample and placed the sample in a bag. Normally, that would be it, but he felt daring. He sliced the thigh more, forming a sigil of it's zodiac in it, Capricorn.

After the creature calmed, he left the thigh bleeding as he cleaned up and took the sample out to begin testing.


Silence filled the room, darkness shrouded the mind. The chest expanded, and deflated.

A bubble, must release.

Woken, but unable to see, the arms barred to their side. Flexing the arm and pushing up with both arms, the titanium cuffs burst into pieces. The creature felt their face.

No mouth, issue.

Whispers could be heard all over, every footstep outside like thunder. Looking around, obviously seeing nothing. Slight white lines could be seen in the darkness that consumed their sight. Voices heard, still a soft whisper, not loud enough to understand. Breaking the cuffs that held their legs down and getting up, they fell into the cold hard floor. Pushing up, forcing to stand, they finally could walk. Stumbling forward, they ran into a counter. Feeling around the countertop, they found the scalpel.

Pressure, must exhale.

They took the scalpel to their face, jerking it into the spot where a mouth should be. The movements were jagged and shaky, feeling a surge of pain, but not wanting to scream. After a minute or two, the mouth was dripping dark blue as a tongue fell half out. The flesh was twisted and distorted looking. The tongue was long and thin. They forced the tongue back into their mouth as they began to breathe through the hole they created.


The creature stumbled towards the door, hearing the steps louder as they got closer. The hair slipped behind them as they pushed open the door, slamming a doctor right in the face, knocking him out. Another doctor that saw what happened began to run after them. Terrified, the creature ran through the hallway, soon, the air blasted with sounds.

Everything blared into their ears as they stumbled forward. They could feel a draft, an exit was coming up. Because of the sounds, their vision was filled with static. They ran into a large metal object, which felt like a cold door. Punching as hard as they could, the door dented. They punched even more until the door popped off the hinges. They began to run, it was dark and cold. As they ran, the sirens got quieter. There was no stopping though, as they could hear feet crunching leaves behind. they could hear rushing water and a wind. Eventually stepping at the edge of a cliff. They stopped.


They turned back, they could feel lights beaming down onto them as men stood still. The could sense at least five men aiming at them. There was no choice, they had to fight. Getting on all fours, they rushed forward, guns began to fire, with all the noise, they were able to location positions of men, they swiftly ran to one, ripping the head off, before jumping at the next, stabbing through his skull with their claws. The next man was behind them, they did a backflip onto his head, twisting it 180 degrees. 

The last man tried to run off but due to his screams, the creature swiftly located his position and slammed his head into the grand, splattering his blood all over their face. A dark black tongue fell out of their mouth, licking up the blood. Their heart thumped loudly.


The feeling and sensation was so great, they could no longer control the urge. They dug into the man at their feet, licking up and drinking handfuls of red oozing blood. The bright red liquid dripping down their neck and chest. Staining their entire body in crimson. After a minute of eating, feeding off the corpses, they stopped. What had they done?

Heart pain

What was this feeling? Could it be remorse or joy? What was the concept of these emotions they felt?  So much confusion filled their head as they stumbled to a nearby lake. They jumped into it, letting the blood flow off and into the crystalline water. After a moment, the creature stepped out, their long curly black hair falling down behind them as water glistened on their cyan blue skin. After wandering for a while, the creature became tired. It huddled down into a little ditch. The cold air didn't seem to penetrate their hard skin, but it still felt lonely and dreary.

The warmth of lights in the distance could be felt, maybe tomorrow, there will be something waiting for them, until then, it was time to rest.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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