Chapter Twenty four

Start from the beginning

“”I was tired of the little games, I just thought if I talked with her told her how I really felt, but she never gave me a chance,” Yuri replied miserably, “Now I have blown it,”

“Yeah you have, and I am going to have to try and avoid her for the next few days, she is going to murder me” Carlos frowned

“Why did you have to tell her everything? We were so close!” he then exclaimed in frustration, “she was starting to break”

“I didn’t want her broken!” Yuri stated, “I just wanted her to see how foolish this all was” he frowned

“Well it’s out of my hands now, man,” Carlos replied with a resigning sigh, “all you can hope that she will eventually cool down and deem to look or speak to you again, before the season is over,” he finished

“Somehow I don’t think so,” Yuri replied glumly, “She hates me now and I will just have to live with the consequences of my actions,”

Carlos just patted him sympathetically on the back “I am sorry Yuri, really I am”

“It was not your fault, you were only trying to help.. I was the one who blew it,” Yuri replied graciously, “and now I will just have to deal with it,” he sighed heavily


George was coming out his caravan on his way to meet Jelena. He had finally managed to get her to agree to meet up with him so they could have a talk after she had finished rehearsals with her father for the afternoon.

On the way across the field he suddenly heard Estelle calling him, even though they had made up several weeks ago now, he had seen very little of her, so now he stopped in his tracks, as he noticed her coming over towards him.

“Can I speak to you about something in private, there is something I need to tell you,” she said, seeming a little furtive as she glanced around her.

“Sure,” George replied, a little curious about what it could be about.

She pulled him to the side, making sure no one else was about.

“This is a little difficult, but as my close friend, I wanted you to be one of the first one to know, so it won‘t come as a nasty shock when it could become public knowledge,” she then said

“What is it?” George asked

Estelle stared down at her fidgeting fingers, as if she wasn’t sure where to start, but finally she spoke.

“Since I broke up with Patrick a few weeks ago, its been really hard for me here, seeing him every day, remembering what a fool I made of myself.. So I decided I needed a fresh start, to go somewhere where there are no reminders”

“I see,” George replied feeling his heart sink a little at what she was implicating.

“Anyway three days ago I went to an audition for one of those theatre circus’s in Australia” she then explained

“Australia?” George echoed in disbelief.. “Isn’t that a bit drastic?.. I mean I can understand you wanting to get away, but Australia?”

“It’s a wonderful opportunity and I have always wanted to visit Australia,” Estelle replied “So I thought why not, I had nothing to lose.. A new beginning and all that”

“Well if that is what you really want,” George said, “although I have to say you are right, it has come as a bit of shock to me,” he admitted with a small dry laugh.

“That’s why I wanted to tell you personally before anyone else. I thought I owed you that much after all the trouble I caused over Patrick. They said they would get back to me by the end of the week, and I am in with a very good chance, but until then, can you keep it quiet, I don‘t want Patrick to find out anything until I am positive I get it” Estelle replied.

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