Impressed, Hank nods toward the crime scene room, „Lead the way."

We walk in, being greeted by the most handsome face I know.
Gavin Reed.

Chris is beside him, clearly wanting to kill himself. As soon as Gavin sees the three of us walk in, he immediately walks up to us and gets his dick energy on. „Nice android there, y/n and Hank. Fucking following you huh?" I groan, ignoring him and heading towards the body. Hank does the same, mumbling under his breath.

„Yes, Anderson, anything to say?" As soon as Hank turns around, I quickly step in front of him. Gavin greets me, about two inches away from me. His chapped lips and disgusting, sagging eyes mock me. „Ooh, your so scary-„

„Look Gavin, I don't care what you have to say. One half of the day, you are flirting with me like I am some sex doll to be sold, the next you are treating me like shit. Hank and Connor, too. Why do you have to be such an asshole?" A scowl gains on my face, „You do not have the authority to take out your own home life anger on us. It's not my fault your wife ignores you, or whatever the hell is happening. I am simply here to do my job."

I sigh, and point to the dead body. „Now, if I may do my job, what do you think has happened?"

He only stares, and I drop my hand, heavy breathing. When Gavin doesnt respond, I simply widen my eyes. He finally opens his trap, „This fatass just looks like he got a little too kinky and had so much fun that he had a heart attack." I walk back to the body, examining it. I quickly see marks around his neck, handprints. Without looking back, I simply tell Gavin , „You are wrong."

I hear him scoff and leave the room, his temper tantrum getting the best of him. His little feet storm out, only leaving me, Hank, and Connor. Hank laughs, patting me on the back, „Nice one kid." When I turn my head slightly, I see Connor smiling. When he sees me, he quickly turns around and acts like he is inspecting something.

He see's an android body on the floor, and blood next to it. He... analyzes it... aka puts it in his mouth. Hank screams from disgust, and i nudge him. I whisper, „Look, maybe he is into blood. You have your kinks, and he has his."

Hank only gags, leaving me in a fit of laughter.

Connors pov -

*few minutes later*

Y/N rests her hands over the victims neck, placing her fingers in the same places the bright red marks are. She lets out a slight groan, feeling around the victims neck. She yells out to us, „The area is sensitive. The Adams apple and everything around it feels.. bad. Loose, almost, whoever did this to him clearly used a lot of force, and I don't think it was some BDSM shit."

Her hands run down along his chest, feeling for anything significant. Along the way, she turns his body slightly, peaking around the back of the arms and seeing if anything pokes out. Finding nothing, she sighs. After a moment, she calls me over there. Her voice is soft, smooth, like she is deep in thought. „Connor, can you come here?"

I follow suite, and she doesn't look at me. When she feels my presence next to her, she just asks, „Can you scan him and see any sort of.. medical data?" I nod, doing so.

No Signs of cardiac arrest
Throat severely damaged
Vocal cords torn

„No obvious signs of cardiac arrest, throat is damaged," I continue reading off from the red letters coming from my scanner, „Vocal cords seem to be torn, and a concussion." She looks up at me, smiling. Her eyes are bright, clearly happy with my results. „Yes... Thank you so much Connor!"

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