"What the fuck are feelings, yo?"
-Lizzo, "cuz I love you"

(There might be some errors in this, i had to rush it before i went on a flight)

Y/n POV-

The rest of the day moves smoothly, peace finally settling within me. Me, Connor, and Hank work together practically the whole time, Hank being annoyed by my antics and Connors goofiness. I feel safe, here. Just me and the people I care about.

I start to realize something, they are my safety net. No matter if I am on a mission, or in the office, they are here for me. Never changing. It gives me a sense of security.

Around lunch time, I decide to doordash food for all of us. "All of us" Being me, Hank, and Chris. I offered Connor food, but he didn't seemed to enthused. I get a notification that the food is outside the office, and I immediately spring up from my chair. Giggling, I come back with our feast. Hank smiles wide, "YES! I know you well, y/n. Chinese takeout."

I laugh, proud of my choices. I see Connors eyes trailing the food, clearly disturbed by the calories and cholesterol it must contain. He doesn't say anything this time, though. I set our food out on my desk, and I scoot all of the technology and work papers off of my desk. I scooch over so there is room for all of us to crowd around the desk. Chris sighs, "I should have known." Acting annoyed, he takes his food. Clearly by the way he opens the lid and begins to eat though.. he is not disappointed.

I sit up in my chair, excited. My love for food is outmatched.

The three of us take a few bites, and a happy silence fills the air around us. Connor sits patiently, his hands in his lap. I look at him, and when I look back, me and Chris make eye contact. We both burst out laughing, and Chris sits to mimic Connor, mocking him. I kick him, trying to mutter words through broken laughter. "Stop! Y-You are so MEAN!" "You are laughing too!"

I wheeze, the air barely coming in and out of my lungs. Hank slams his fork down, "What is it now?" Chris points to Connor, sitting properly, his eyebrows raised. Hank lets out a few devious giggles, hunching in his chair like a crab.

Connor asks us, "What is it?" Chris only leans over from more laughter, but I try to explain to him. "Your sitting so professionally, suit and all-" I can't manage to hold in the chuckles, "and the three of us are just being complete fatties and completely destroying our incredibly unhealthy food." Chris laughs, finishing my thought for me, "A-And, oh my God, your just sitting there like your waiting for a business class meeting to start!"

Hank shrugs, "I was laughing because you looked stupid." My jaw drops, in pure shock. I throw one of my fortune cookies at his head, "HANK!" Chris only laughs more, not helping the situation. "God, you guys are massive dicks."

Even though I try my best to keep my composure back together, Hanks words replay in my head. Connor only asks, concerned, "I apologize, is something about my appearance bothering you?" Chris stops laughing, rolling his eyes and flaring his nostrils at Connor. Hank only giggles. I speak before one of them two can, "No, it isn't. They are just mean." I think our previous conversation seeps back into his mind, realizing the somber difference between then and the laughing ambiance now. He smiles, slowly understanding. He turns to Hank, a small smirk growing into a full grin. "Your being mean? Is that it?"

We finish our meals, the whole time I have to keep the two imbeciles from absolutely obliterating Connor with insults. As soon as they finish eating, I kick them out of my desk. I set my work situation back up, and rest my legs across my desk. I lean back into my chair, sinking. I take my keyboard and place is along my lap, filling out only the necessary reports. I put in my earbuds, putting them on full blast. Eventually, I get in this sort of groove. I bob my head with the music and progress far in my work. For the first time in a very, VERY long while, my mind focuses completely. Maybe its the process of healing, maybe its just my imagination. But something's working, finally.

A glimpse of dawn~ connor x reader dbhOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant