Chapter 19 - First Argument / Kiss

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August 24, 2015 Monday

Ella's POV

Here am I at the porch, waiting for Drew to show up. Friday night, I didn't sleep at all. The whole night I thought about how I almost kissed my ex-best friend slash new friend slash the boy I almost gave my first kiss to. Sure, I love Drew so much but why did I almost kiss Allen? Is it because of the bond we used to have? Or the fact he was my first crush? I don't really know.

I saw Drew come out of his house and went to his car. I started to walk towards the car. I opened the door and leaned in to kiss his cheek but he refused to. He looked mad, wait scratch that, he looked very mad. A minute passed by and he still haven't started the car.

" Why in the world did you kissed him? "

" Him? " I said in a tiny voice

" Yes, Allen. "

" I di-ddn't kk-isss him. " I stuttered

" Yes, you did. In fact, you had a date with him!! " he started to scream at me

" You went to the movies and went to the pizza place and kissed him at your porch!! " he said louder and louder as he said a word

And it hit me, he spied on me.

" You spied on me??!?! " I screamed at him

" At least I didn't kiss someone!! "

Then we started to argue like there was no tomorrow.

" You love Allen, right?!?? " he demanded

It was getting irritating, it hurt me, a lot.



Zach's POV


My face softened yet I was still confused, that's the first time she said it. Then she did something that shocked me. She collided her lips to mine, at first I didn't kiss her back, I was too shocked to process what was going on. But eventually, I kissed her back cause I just love her so much that it hurts. The kiss lasted for I think 5 minutes.

That's a lot for a first kiss


Ella's POV

I kissed him. I kissed the boy I love. I felt butterflies in my stomach or in better words, a whole wild zoo. I gave my first kiss to him and I took his first kiss. And I did something I never knew I would do.

" I love you. " I said

" I love you, too. " he said

" About Allen, I didn't kiss him, it was him trying to. " I said

" I don't care, I just care about you. " he said

And we kissed for the second time.


We got off the car. We were still early for school. Right before the school doors, he started to hold my hand. I gave him a questioning look and he just gave me a smirk.

Everyone was looking at our hands and they started to gossip. Pssh, classic highschool.

" They're a thing now!??!? "

" I hate you witch! Zach belongs with me! "

" Damn you Winston, I wanted to go out with Ella. "

More admirers? This is gonna be the death of me.. huhuhu.

And then we saw Lily and man, she looked damned pissed. After the Walk Of Gossip, Drew and I went to Biology and people don't seem to stop saying bad things about me. And I thought about it, I am really that horrible?

" What's bothering you Chrissy? " he said while he put a quick peck on my lips

" They're gossiping about me and you don't get to kiss me when I don't say so. " I said with a frown

" Ahhh... Fine. I'll follow. Maybe. " he said with a smirk

" I'm serious here!!! " I said

He only kissed me again. He stood up at his chair and began to talk.

" Attention. Attention everyone! All of you, please stop gossiping about my girlfriend, Chrissy or what you gossipers know as, Ella. Now, if any of you, gossip about my girlfriend, get ready for hell to break loose. " he emphasized the words ' girlfriend ' and ' get ready for hell to break loose '

" Why you do that?! They would gossip more and I'm not your girlfriend! "

" Doesn't matter, I'll take care of it. Plus, will you Gabriella Christina Smith, be my girlfriend? The girl I will love for the rest of my life, I'm not promising because promises are meant to be broken. And this why I am making it a mission, a duty to do. Will you be my girlfriend? "

Holy s**t, this is it!

" Yes. " I answer without hesitation

And we laughed and kissed.

Who knew that in one hour, I would loose my first kiss, second kiss and all the way to the tenth kiss and my ' No Boyfriend Since Birth ' status. Who knew that in one hour, we were the juiciest gossip. Who knew that in one hour, I made one-fourth of the girl population of this school bats**t mad at me. Who knew that in one hour, we made the school hallway separate into two. Who knew that in one hour, my love for this immature yet caring boy grew more.


AWWWW!!! THEY'RE SOOO CUTE OMG!! I predict 10 - 20 more chapters or who knows? maybe 30 more!! hihihi


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