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I sighed as I followed Charles outside. I could see how Lando was shaking his head but he still let me go.

"What are you doing here?" Charles whispered as we were standing outside.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I told you I would come to France" Did he really think I was lying about that?

"I thought that was a joke" he shook his head. "How long are you gonna put on this little act?" He pointed at me and at the Mclaren hospitality, referring to Lando.

It wasn't an act.

I didn't reply. It wasn't worth it and I didn't need to explain myself.

"I'm sorry" he looked down. Once again he was apologizing for his behavior and once again, I was ready to forgive him.

"Jealous again?" I scoffed. "Charles you're dating Charl.." I couldn't even finish my sentence because she walked right up to us.

"Hi babe, hi Noa" she said as she walked up to us and pressed her lips against his.

That used to be me.

He smiled at her, I could see he genuinely liked her, so why was he being jealous? "Charles and I are going to dinner. Do you guys maybe wanna come too?"

I didn't expect her question so I wasn't really prepared to give her an answer. "Uh we-" I started coming up with an excuse until someone wrapped an arm around my waist.

"We already have other plans" Lando pulled me closer to his body. "Oh do we?" I looked at him, he wasn't wearing his racing suit anymore, the smell of his cologne covered his sweat and his curls were covered by a backwards cap.

"We definitely do" he looked down at me and put my hair behind my ear.
I hated myself, why did I go with Charles instead of Lando?

Charlotte coughed a little and started laughing. "You guys are so annoying but so cute at the same time" she looked at us with a smile before grabbing Charles' hand and pulling him with her.

He looked behind him, right into my eyes.

I guess Lando noticed it too because he took a step back. "So I guess we don't have any plans?" I broke the silence.

Please say you actually do wanna hang out with me.

He nudged me a little. "Of course we have plans" he smiled. I knew he was disappointed about me going to talk with Charles, but he wasn't showing it at all. "I am gonna teach you some golf"

I shook my head laughing. He obviously didn't know I actually played a lot of golf, I wasn't gonna tell him either.


"So I have to stand like this?" I said as I was standing all wrong, I knew that but I could see how Lando was enjoying it to teach me.

He shook his head as he walked to me. "No not at all" he chuckled a little as he stood behind me.
His hands brushed over my arms, to my hands and he placed his hands on top of mine.

My ass was pressed against his crotch. I could feel the tension between us, but I guess he didn't feel the same because he just kept teaching me. "And now you have to make a swing and try to hit the ball"

I made the perfect swing and the golf ball flew extremely far. "Damn" he looked impressed. "You're a natural" he smiled at me.

I shook my head. "You're just an amazing teacher" I said, he looked so proud. That's exactly why I wanted to hide the fact that I could actually play golf.

The smile on his face was worth everything. I would do anything for that smile.

Fuck, I was really falling for him.

Charles' POV

After I went to dinner with Charlotte, I dropped down in my bed.
Were they actually dating? Or did she like Lando for real?

I thought I was completely over her, but I had to admit that I wasn't. Even if I was dating someone else, all I could think about was her.

Her smile, her little giggles, the way she used to wear my shirts. I admit, we had a lot of bad times too, with a lot of fights but I would do everything for her, just like she used to do everything for me.

We broke up because of a stupid misunderstanding.

"You okay baby? You've been quiet the entire evening" Charlotte said as she crawled next to me.
She put her head on my chest, cuddling up to me.

She was honestly perfect, beautiful and the sweetest soul. So why was I thinking about Noa all the time?

"I am fine babe, just tired" I shrugged it off. I wasn't tired at all but it was a good excuse for being quiet.

I had to talk to Lando, I had to figure out if they were more than friends.
If they weren't then I had to make sure he would back away. I had to make sure she wasn't gonna fall for him.

I knew he already liked her, I could see that in the way he looked at her.

I used to look at her like that.

I had to buy some time to figure out if she maybe still liked me. I had to know.

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