Chapter 2

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Just then the lecturer enters
Lecturer: Good Mornin students im Mr.Smith and I will be your Math lecturer.
Students: Goodmorning Sir!
Mr.Smith : Since we're all meeting for the first time why don't we introduce ourselves! Let's start with the first row!
One by one each of them introduce themselves
Ruby : Hello everyone I'm Ruby Jones, I hope we can all be good friends!
Mr.Smith: Next!
Ivy (Mind Voice): Shit it's me!
I walk up to the front
Ivy: Good Morning everyone,I'm Ivy Miller,pleasure to meet yall...
Mr.Smith: Next!
Benjamin: Hey, I'm Benjamin Clark, but you guys can call me Ben..
Mr.Smith: Next!
Juan: I'm Juan Davis, I like to be left alone...
He walks back to his seat and puts his head down...
Soon everyone is done introducing themselves..
Mr.Smith: Well I have one small task for you guys, why don't you guys make a group of four and go around discovering how math is applied in small things in daily life and film a small movie about it?
Students: Okay Mr.Smith!
Ruby: Psstt..Psstt...Ivy!
Ivy: Yes?
Ruby: Wanna be in my group? You seem nice...
Ivy: Sure! Why not?
Ben: Can I join?
Ivy & Ruby: Sure!
Ben: We need one more person
He turns to the side and sees Juan
Ivy & Ruby: Him?
Ben: We can try asking him...
Saying that he goes next to him
Ben:, do you perhaps wanna be in our group?
Juan looks behind to see Ivy and Ruby looking at them both
Juan: *Raises his eyebrows* Sure...
Ben: Great!
Ben signals Ruby and Ivy to come over beside them...
Ivy: He agreed?
Ruby: Maybe he isn't so bad?
Ivy ( Whisper): Maybe...
Ben: Who's house though? I live in the dorm
Ruby: My parents won't let me..
Juan: My house isn't fully set yet..
Everyone turns to Ivy
Ivy: Um...Well....Sure...?
Ben: Okay great! We'll start tomorrow...I'll add yall in the groupchat give me your Id's
They give their Id's
Ivy checks her watch
Ivy: Alright got to go, I have History...
Ben: I have Science..
Ruby: Same, let's go...
Everyone leaves for their classes
Juan: *checks phone and smiles*
Ivy goes and sits in the same place,the 2nd row..
She takes out her books and feels someone sit next to her, it was-
Ivy(Mind Voice): Juan?!Why is he sitting here?! Argh so embarrassing, he's everywhere!
Juan: Is there anything on my face? *Raises eyebrows*
Ivy: W-What? Wh-why? I m-mean ye- sorry, n-no...
Ivy( Mind Voice): Great I look like a fool now!
Juan: Then why are you staring?
Ivy: I did not!
Juan: You obviously di-
Lecturer: Goodmorning students im your History professor, Mrs. Brown....let's start with a rough intro, remain in your seats I'll come around and get to know you,I don't like to waste time...
*After a rough introduction*
Mrs Brown: Okay, so I'll ask you a few questions to see how many of you students pay good attention to History. Question 1 *asks*
*Both Ivy and Juan raise their hands*
Mrs Brown: Yes, J- Jake?
Juan: It's Juan...*answers*
Ivy: *Glares*
Mrs Brown: Good job Juan...Okay
next Question *asks*
*Both Ivy and Juan raise their hands again*
Mrs Brown: Yes Ivy-
Ivy: *answers*
Mrs Brown: That was quick and elaborate, impressive..
*Juan rolls eyes and Ivy smirks*
*Mrs brown asks plenty of questions with only both of them answering it everytime..
Mrs Brown: Okay students, the last question *asks*
*Both Juan and Ivy stand up with their hands raised*
Juan: Please pick me Mrs.Brown!
Ivy: Pick Me! Choose Me! Lo- I meant Ask Me Mrs.Brown!
*Bell Rings*
Mrs Brown: Well that was convenient...Students, learn from Ivy and Juan, such bright students...Class dismissed!
*Everyone leaves*
Ivy: Didn't know you could talk so much... * smirks*
Juan:Didn't know you had a brain..
Ivy: Well now you do...
Juan: Doubtful..
Ivy: Whatever *rolls eyes*
She turns to leave-
Guess what happens, it's really annoying but unfortunately she is really clumsy so, she trips and is about to fall when Juan catches her...So cliche...
Ivy: Ah-
Juan: Woah *catches her by her waist*

To be continued...

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