Chapter 1

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"I always wished I was a Disney princess and I'd meet a charming prince and have my happily ever after, but after you came into my life, you made me realize I'm no princess and you're no prince, but we still have our happily ever after."

Ivy: I'm leaving for College!
She shouts while coming down the stairs but to no response, not surprising.
She goes inside the kitchen to see her mum watching TV and her dad fixing a table in the backyard.
Ivy grabs her lunch, an apple and heads out the house...
Carol: Bye hun.
It was her first day of college and she was wearing a plain white shirt with black pants and sneakers, walking through the streets blasting music in her earphones and her hair up using a claw clip.
She stops at a Starbucks.
Barista: Goodmorning welcome Miss, what can I get for ya?
Ivy: Goodmorning, can I please get a Cappuccino with very little ice and a chocolate cake pop.
Barista: Sure, and your name please..
Ivy: Ivy..
Barista: Beatiful! Your order will be done in 5 minutes, please wait..
Ivy: Thanks...
5 minutes later
Barista: Order for Ivy!
Ivy: Yes..
Barista: Here you go miss Ivy, thank you and have a great day!
Ivy: You too- miss Daisy..
Ivy was an ambivert, she loved activities such as reading, writing and singing but her parents wanted her to focus on studies shattering her dreams from when she was 7 and since then she never opened up to them about what she liked to do...
Once when she was 14 she decided to learn to play the guitar in secret so she could sing songs while playing it,unfortunately her parents found out and boom! That dream soon vanished.Boxing too, she learnt it in a summer course when she was 15.
She always topped her classes and no one was able to top her scores, if someone did then, Ivy would have to go through hell at home.
Ivy didn't have siblings so she learnt to fend for herself and developed her own coping mechanisms such as writing a journal or writing songs, now let's get back to where we were...
Ivy: *Sighs*
She stops at the front gate to collect herself
Ivy: Okay, 4 years here then I'll have to go for higher studies,if I do well here, it'll be easy for me...
I can do it!
As she walks in
Ivy: ah
She looks up to see who she bumped into and a tall guy who looks more than 6 foot (Ivy Is 5.5) dark brown hair shining in the sun, chocolate brown eyes, smooth fluffy hair, perfect body and glasses.
Ivy's ideal type!
Ivy: I'm so sorry! Shit! Wait I'll get your papers-
I mean I knocked them out of your hand-
Fk its flying all over!
I'm so sorry!!
She says as she bends over to get all his papers combined with hers...
Ivy: Sorry once again I didn't mean to! Okay- so this is mine, this one's yours, this one's yours as well, ah- this one too umm this is mine and yea yours..
Sorry- I'm Ivy by the way..
___ : No it's fine-
Saying that with a straight face he walks past her
Ivy: Damn,cold...Anyways.
Let's do this!
*Checks her timetable *
Ivy: Okayy first class, Math..
Where's my locker..?
*She says while going through all the lockers*
Hmm...not this.....this? number 379...okay
She places her ID and other necessary papers as she gets out stuff needed for math class and sees another timetable
Ivy: If this is mine then who's is this? Juan Davis? Oh it probably belongs to that guy I bumped into...wait we almost have the same periods the whole week except a few subjects! Isn't that great!
Just then she sees someone getting stuff from the locker next to her.
She closes her locker and sees
Ivy ( Mind Voice): Him?!? Great! His locker is right next to mine!
We share the same classes! What's next, the same neighborhood as well? Argh! *Rolls eyes*
Ivy: Um, J-Juan I think your timetable was accidentally taken by me, here.
*she extends the paper towards him*
He grabs the paper, closes the locker and walks away
Ivy: Sheesh! Rude ass!
*Checks watch*
Shit it's almost time for class!
She runs through the hallways and stops infront of the class!
*sighs* she steps foot into the class and sits in the middle row as she thinks it's the perfect spot to pay attention as well as to not have the teachers eyes right on you..
(Continued in the next part)

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